Numerology/Astrology for 10/1/2022
10/1/2022 is the number 8.
1 + 0 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 8.
Today is the number 8.
The Number 8 gives us a chance to pause and breathe. We have so much to be grateful for. We have so much yet to learn. We have so much more heart that can be shared in the right circumstances.
The world needs our care and concern. Sometimes to open hearts … they need to be broken open.
How often have the experiences (that broke our heart) also took down our negative defensive postures?
Open hearts cannot be controlled by our mind or egos.
When we breathe … it is life fulfilling and life affirming.
When we get our heart broken … we recognize that we cannot control others or the circumstances that life throws at us.
While in those moments it feels horrible. Over time we recognize that we become a better person. One that is more available to connect on deeper levels and that we express care and concern more readily in ways that really matter.
Being cut off from what we feel does not allow us to experience the full expressions of our total being.
Today, notice what feelings are arising and allow them to take you on a journey to discover your depth and how that caring is wanting to be expressed.
Learn how to be effective in our concern for others and this world.
Take the time to feel into and through this precious moment.
Remember, that when we feel something, that does not require others to feel the same.
Regardless, allow any emotions to move through … without attaching any particular meaning to them.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
The Moon continues to inspire our adventurous spirit to do something for others. Reactions need to be for the greater good of those suffering and struggling right now. Many need our help and care. Open wallets and give to real organizations that have real people on the ground trying to help.
Don’t let your kindness make you vulnerable to those that try to rip off those that are kind and compassionate. Don’t be gullible.
Jupiter and Venus go into opposition and just notice that we might have unreasonable expectations that we are placing on others in ways that can become a burden … rather than a benefit.
There is an undercurrent of discontent that lingers in the air, hanging like an irritating mist that does not allow us to fully breathe.
We feel this desire to be free … in a world that wants to shut down the voices, vision, dreams, and potential of humanity. And those dark forces are gaining in power and strength.
It is okay to feel restless and frustrated.
But it is also time to do something about it.
Actions require effort.
If we want it bad enough … we will have to fight to make others understand the urgent need that will eventually become a loud roar.
Freedom will require major adjustments and massive integrated movements from many groups and organizations.
None of us can do it alone.
Venus will create a minor square to Uranus and will move into a major square with Saturn later in the day. There are many that feel completely discontented. It seems that there are too many things and aspects that are impacting each of us.
We have to learn that the addictive levels of avoidance that plague our society need to change quickly.
Or more devastation will continue to mount.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 10/1/2022
Seeing the pictures of total devastation and loss.
This is what happens when some think preparation has too great a cost.
I look to a world where we look ahead rather that cling to the past.
I look to an educated populace that knows that to make something last.
We must be prepared and not in denial.
And we need to learn to work together across the aisle.
~Suzanne Wagner~