Numerology/Astrology for 4/17/2022
4/17/2022 is the number 18.
4 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 18. Then we can add the 1 + 8 to get the number 9.
The number 9 rules the Planet Venus. So, this is the ultimate feminine number, and it brings its association with Venus and a lot of sex appeal and beauty.
I call this this number of the “Beauty Way”. The path that shows us a type of enticement that moves us towards a path that brings light and lively engagement with our more positive parts.
We live in a world that has many negative enticements. And so many in our world feed on that negativity, which brings depression, fear, and turmoil.
But today, this number tries to get us to look at those eternal things that are about beauty, light, and love.
When we let beauty and the creation of beautiful things become our motivation, then it allows others to be inspired.
When a person has a lack of willpower, they are often not in touch with those beautiful places within that they hold.
Venus teaches us that we must learn to love all the parts within our experience in this life.
After all, the deeper we probe into our core the more wonder and magnificence we will discover.
We cannot express emotional patterns that we have not yet experienced. We cannot feel another’s emotional pain if we have not plumbed our own depths. Compassion cannot arise if we have not learned how to create order out of our own chaos.
But too much internal preoccupation will limit our ability to engage and relate to the real world. And that is why we have to be willing to look within but then take those lessons out and into the “real” world.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
The Moon intensifies the drama as it moves through Scorpio. Expect more shock as things continue to escalate. The emotional pulls are very real and for some devastating. There are moments when we are asked to feel completely through the feelings that are arising. Many will notice the attachments that continue to cause suffering and it is in these moments that we can learn the surrender that keeps evading our consciousness. Without learning surrender to what is in this moment, the suffering will continue to deny us that sense of understanding and acceptance.
Uranus and Mercury will almost be at the conjunction that will happen shortly and that can make us seek new tools to help us move past the current challenges. Try to make the process of growth exciting rather than fearful. Do your best to not gossip or infect others with the ideas that your ego wants to be true but that are not based on any reality.
Venus will sextile to both Mercury and Uranus. This will force open places that have seemed stuck and unmoving. That can create a greater sense of ease and allow for a fuller process of communication about what is real.
There is a very new way that is opening in our minds. We are shifting out of our own selfish narcissistic tendencies and into those places where we allow the expertise of others to shine and help solve the current problems.
For some there is a sense of great anxiety as actions will seem to ramp up.
The old patterns are just not cutting it.
We may notice that too many are caught in those places of repetition. And in moments, that will seem to want to drive us crazy.
Notice if you are the one repeating and instead learn the mental discipline to break the habits of our old mindsets and shift into a more progressive way of being.
I find art (in general) will break me out of the stranglehold of my past behaviors and habits. When we turn toward creative and romantic things we look at the world with different eyes. Spontaneity does not live in the left brain but is the ruler of the more creative right brain.
Let things roll and we might just find the answers we seek.
~Suzanne Wagner~