April 18, 2022

Numerology/Astrology for 4/19/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 18, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 4/19/2022

4/19/2022 is the number 20.

4 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 20.
Then we can add the 2 + 0 to get the number 2.

The number 2 is associated with the planet Uranus.

This is a planet that loves to stir the pot and brings forces into play that intend to uproot the old and drastically change our ways of thinking and how we engage with this world.
Intellectual independence comes from stepping beyond what we know and that allows us to see from original angles. This number seeks to know. But there is an infinite number of things to learn and experience. When we embrace a life that loves to learn and those parts with that want to continuously grow, we embrace those disruptive moments as doorways into areas yet uncharted.

Today, allow the unusual to untangle your mind and bring about a revolution within your thoughts.
Perhaps looking beyond our current methods might be a better choice.
Perhaps changing our strategy might be a spark of creative genius.

When we keep our eyes open to an unfolding future and allow changes to be less problematic, then those differences might seem less frightening.
Take a look at what the bigger question really is?
Let go of criticizing and notice what is not working. Then help to change it. Let yourself be surprised and notice that the wonder and magic begin to feel alive once again.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology for Today

The Moon in Sagittarius asks us to embrace our explorative nature and allow life to point us in new and adventurous directions.

Perhaps a change is in order. Breaking out of the routine is necessary for true growth to be allowed.
We shift out of the Aries Sun and into Taurus today giving us the desire for more comfort and connection through May 20th.
This is a time where families, gardens, and generating beauty becomes the focus. Know that there will be those that will also become very stubborn and resist the obvious changes being asked of them.
Know that we cannot push others into things that they are not going to embrace until external situations become untenable.

So … in the meantime build things that make us smile, enjoy each moment, and remember that in life … we all choose our birth and our death.
Too often we cannot alter certain karmic lessons for others.
Perseverance is going to be asked of each of us.
While things will build up slowly, know that we need to work towards lasting peace.
~Suzanne Wagner~


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