August 29, 2022

Numerology/Astrology for 8/30/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 29, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 8/30/2022

8/30/2022 is the number 17.

8 + 3 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 17.

Then we can add the 1 + 7 to get the number 8.

This is the number that opens the doors to our wounds from our past. It reminds us that our body stores emotions that we have trouble processing. And shows them to us at moments that often seem inconvenient.
When the number 8 shows up in a particular day (such as today), it is a reminder that we cannot experience exuberance … if we also cannot embrace the deeper and darker emotions such as grief and loss.

To be “open-hearted” means to be able to understand and relate to another’s feelings with understanding but not necessarily to be dragged into the quagmire with them.
After all, how can you help another out of the swamp if you are stuck in their swamp with them.

This number shows us that compassion is necessary and that such a thing is often learned because we too have suffered in a similar way.
But we are also here to learn to be a beacon of hope to show the way out and not to sit in the misery with others indefinitely.
The most effective strategy is to be vulnerable and honest while also not become entrapped in their story and the loops that their mind has created that allow them to remain trapped in those heavier emotional patterns.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology for Today

The Moon in Libra asks us to use our common sense in making fair and just decisions. This world needs compromise to find peace. Those that must be right and those that will do whatever they can, include lie, cheat, steal, and sneak to validate their position are a danger to peace and life itself.

The Moon in Libra seeks to find the common ground that connects us all. It recognizes that the best approach is a well-planned and thought through approach.

Saturn will trine the Moon and that helps us to clear our mind and clear the muddied water that so much instability has caused each of us over the last few weeks.

Jupiter and the Sun will quincunx and we are torn between thoughts and actions. Expect all conclusions to feel not quite adequate for what we were going for.
Best to free our mind and allow new potentials to expand our current level of awareness.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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