June 3, 2023

Numerology for 5/4/2023

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 3, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology

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Numerology for 6/4/2023


6/4/2023 is the number 17.

6 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 17.
1 + 7 = 8

In Yogic Numerology, the Number 8 is an emotional number that asks us to get more honest with ourselves.
Deep emotions are often hidden away and pushed down so that we can cope and keep going on a day-to-day level. But when this number shows up, it seems that we cannot hide things from ourselves. At least not today.
Admitting what has been going on and how it is affecting us is a natural process if we let it. Everyone needs to break down the façade that we have been maintaining to keep emotions under control and in their box.
Today, take a moment to tell ourselves the truth about the challenges and difficulties that we have been walking through. There is no need to wallow in them but to just observe them honestly and to tell ourselves that we have done the best job we could under the circumstances.
Notice that now because of those events that we are more real, more open, more available, and more authentic. Sometimes we have to have our heart tenderized to make it softer and to help us be kinder to ourselves and others.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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