October 3, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 10/4/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: October 3, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 10/4/21


10/4/21 is the number = 10

Add the 1 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 10.
The Number 10 or the Number 1 has two interpretations.

From the position of the Number 1, it reminds us to look to our creator for help and support. To work towards unity. To move from a creative place. And to be independent in our approach. It reminds us to move from the heart and notice those that are not operating from that same place.

The Number 10 reminds us to have royal courage. To notice when we are on our own edge and want to come from a place of “All or nothing”.

This is a number of power, strength, taking charge and having the authority needed to complete the tasks at hand.

It reminds us that anything worth doing is worth doing well and preferably at 100%.

The Number 10 also reminds us that if we are unaware, we can use all our power against ourselves. And if we use our power against us, then we can create significant obstacles that seem insurmountable.

In the end, it is not worth the energy to keep getting in our own way. Never work against yourself. Life is hard enough without putting yourself down.

Today will require our focused concentration. Know that there are many goals that are ahead and it is time to take some action and move.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon continues in Virgo, helping us get on top of the many things that continue to pile up. There are moments when you just want to get ahead. And this could be that moment, if we are willing to put it all together and do what is needed. Allow your routine to guide you and add in extra pieces that need handling. You will get on top of it eventually.

The Moon will pull us to take care of our body and to get moving.

All good things.

The Sun and Ceres are talking in a comfortable fashion all day. We want to connect in positive ways that are nurturing and that feed our soul. Everyone is very tired and exhausted by all that is transpiring globally and personally. Many are at the end of their rope and that is why we need to care and have concern for those in our immediate vicinity.

Try to have a sense of purpose and pride in your choices and actions.

Right now, all things seem to take tremendous effort and time.

Be proud of all you accomplish.

Give love and share compassionate connection.

Embrace meaningful conversations with others.

Share your spiritual self.

The discontent is going to continue. That is why it might be time to go watch movies that inspire us to reconnect to our highest and best self.

~Suzanne Wagner~


The clouds gathered a while ago.

So many did not notice the storm brewing below.

Below their level of awareness at this time.

They never heard the warning bells chime.

Now the storm begins to rock the boat.

And they are upset but the chance seemed remote.

That the storm would hit and come their way.

So they did not prepare and decide to stay.

Right in the path of the approaching storm.

It is like they were breathing chloroform.

They choose to defend the past and refused to let go.

Of all they were told because they refused to look below.

~Suzanne Wagner~


We exist for eternity in a moment in time.

We are infinite while trying to be sublime.

We are here to be as big as we can be.       

We are here to share our light so that others can see.

I love the cooling trend that allows for the shift.

In how we see time and see life as a gift.

Tomorrow will come and many will not know.

How they will survive and where they will go.

The direction that we all must take.

Is directly forward so don’t hit the brake.

While life is a roller coaster let this moment define

That when we feel we are on a steep decline.

Open your heart and lift your arms high.

Don’t hit the brakes. Just reach for the sky.

Life is short and life is sweet.

Make some choices that make your heart skip a beat.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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