Numerology/Astrology for 10/5/21
10/5/21 is the number = 11
Add the 1 + 0 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11.
The Number 11 tells us that we are embarking into a new domain. The Number 11 is a the number of transcendence and the awakening of consciousness.
It is the number of the Aquarian Age in which we find ourselves.
We are in a time of innovation and progression. This number opens the mind to new doors that allow us to see past our old predilections and into the vastness that is this world.
We have always known that things are very different than they seem. We have sensed that there is more going on than we can comprehend with our limited range of perception.
This allows irrational thoughts that are on a quest to find answers to the complex patterns that they are experiencing, to turn into conspiracy theories.
As minds awaken, they seek to make sense out of these new feelings and experiences.
While anyone with intelligence knows that governments and systems keep truth from the populace, there is a point that things can be taken too far. That is where the number 11 can then fracture the mind and the soul of certain people.
But it is a fine line, obviously.
One that many are constantly dealing with in our world at present.
The only way through this to stay grounded, reason through all pieces of information and move in the directions that allow for peaceful co-existence.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon shifts from the meticulous sign of Virgo to diplomatic and balancing sign of Libra this morning. We are also coming on the New Moon tomorrow. We may feel as if we are on some sort of edge of something new.
Mercury and Neptune quincunx and that tends to make things nebulous and confusing. Concentration is at a low so take those mental herbs this morning.
We live in a world of so much uncertainty and it can be challenging to make our intuitive insight make sense with our left brain. While we all want clear communication, it may be just out of reach.
Daydreaming may make you feel as if you have some sort of sleep disorder. There is a feeling of exhaustion and we may want to blame that on our lack of mental focus.
Mercury is still retrograde, so make sure of your numbers and things at work before you turn them in. Errors are going to happen.
Something that caused us concern rears its head again. It could make the situation better or worse. Pay attention and realize that things are not clear.
This is a day with the Moon trining Saturn tries to bring more stability to a disjointed day.
Mars and Uranus just keep stirring the pot. This is part of what is creating this grating feeling on all of our nerves.
Try to take a break. Try to make choices that manifest peace. Try to find the doorway to a new place of calm.
Stay determined to get to your goals. Do not let things stop that personal process.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Tomorrow will be too late to say I was wrong.
Tomorrow too many souls may be gone.
Today is the day to shift the tides.
Today is the day to stop taking sides.
~Suzanne Wagner~
As we age, we continue to grow.
Not in the ways that we want it to go.
But in ways that show us what we have not found.
We see all the places we are so tightly wound.
From the place of age, we have compassionate eyes.
We view things raw, real, and without disguise.
We see our youthful exuberance and pride.
We see all the places where we were afraid and lied.
We look backwards in time and can clearly see.
How even in the times that we were so carefree.
We were trying too hard to fit in and belong.
We were trying to look more mature and very strong.
But inside we were on an unfamiliar path.
We could not see how our choices would create an aftermath.
But that is the journey of all that are young.
And how everyone has had a slip of the tongue.
We learn from experience and all our mistakes.
That is how we learn to do what it takes.
To try to be someone who is kind and that cares.
We learn how in moments we were unaware.
And change to become a person who has concern.
And hopefully we can some angel wings earn.
~Suzanne Wagner~