Numerology/Astrology for 11/2/2021
11/2/21 is the number = 9
Add the 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 9.
The number 9 is a number that honors the many creative and intuitive skills of the feminine. So today, how can we honor those women in our life that have given so much, and in some cases … everything for our health and well-being.
It is the feminine that shows us what love and care are at the beginning of our life.
It is the feminine that shows us how to learn and explore our world safely.
It is the feminine that cares for us mostly in old age.
What would life look like if there were no women constantly exploring the tastes and textures of the many varieties of food, clothing, houses, or the rules of a society?
And while there are many men that hold great skills in the realms of intuitive knowing and the subtle nuances in life, this number was aligned with the ancient patterns of masculine and feminine from times past.
So today, honor those amazing women that lived for love and gave what they had to support the next generations to move forward.
Think of all the things your mother did to give you confidence and understanding. Think of the women that have tried to help without needing something in return.
I believe that it is the grace that is inherit in the feminine that allows others to rise while they watch with pride rather than envy.
Take some time to help another today.
Take a moment to selflessly give to someone in need. Take a moment to stop and care for another. That is what this number asks from us.
It calls to those deeper places of compassion and understanding.
This number understands that we need each other.
And now more than ever, the feminine essence is awakening. Let the full powerful forces of the feminine enliven your world and make each of us a better person.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon in Libra makes us want to be more fair.
Social skills matter and looking with objectivity is more important today.
Mercury and Pluto square off, making us feel more pressure from life. It is as if there is a lot on our shoulders at the time. And it seems more than normal. Try to not let anxiety take over as difficult conversations are required to be addressed.
It is not important if we can get others to agree with us. Though it may seem so, and that can add to the feelings of insecurity.
Try to not take another person’s opinion as being the deciding factor.
Step back from giving others a piece of our mind. It is best to observe and just stay open instead.
I know everyone is feeling a bit suspicious and worried.
Worried about what we are not being told. Worried about the future. Not trusting that the decisions of others will not harm us.
Channel that fear into ways that allow us to be more alert and aware of what is happening around us.
Use this astrology to go deeper into things and show what we are capable of when we put our mind to it.
Venus and Uranus will minorly square, adding to those feelings of uncertainty and a lack of satisfaction. This can cause a restlessness and that indicates that our decision making ability is a bit off for the moment.
Best to wait till we have more information and more clarity.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Too often in times lost to the past.
Mankind reached beyond what his fates had cast.
There are moments now that we are asked to reach
Beyond what was ever asked or those that can preach.
You are a miracle encased in a body of light.
You are a soul who naturally understands flight.
Leave all your fears behind and allow your heart to hold no concern.
It is through the struggles that old karmas can burn.
I have watched the sky touch the mountains in the fading light.
I have confronted moments of terrible fright.
And yet, I would return to this planet another time.
Just to discover new rhythms and rhymes.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Favorite moments from journeys past.
I have walked the paths of the great teachers in Bhutan.
I have scaled mountains so high that few men have been on.
I have gathered up my courage and stepped into the unknown.
I have surrendered my ego mind and looked out of eyes that have flown.
I swam in the oceans so warm that they felt almost hot.
I looked into the abyss of a drop off and felt like an argonaut.
I have prayed at the shrines for peace and love to come.
To a planet that offers so many challenges to overcome.
I have marveled at the colors and varieties of coral.
I have marveled at the deserts textures among the cherry laurel.
I have lived a life filled with wonder and pride.
I have danced for awakenings and danced till I died.
This life has been full, and I am grateful for all the joy.
I have played the ballerina and the tomboy.
Take your life and allow it to mold.
All those rough edges so you can remove the blindfold.
There is so much more to see, experience, and learn.
Allow your soul to wander, wonder, and yearn.
~Suzanne Wagner~