January 20, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 1/21/19 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: January 20, 2019Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 1/21/19

1/21/19 is the number 7. It might be time to check out your 7 chakras. Making sure your body is in balance is a constant quest in life. The number 7 is magical to me. Your skin cells are regenerated every 7 days and every cell in your body is replaced in 7 years. So, every 7 years you are a completely new person. Take a look at what you were doing 7 years ago and where you are now. Keeping 7’s around you is always a good thing. After all, Snow White had her 7 dwarfs. Doc, Grumpy, Happy, Sleepy, Dopey, Bashful, and Sneezy. I like to think of them as the 7 faces of my moods and temperament.
Mythology knows the value of the number 7 and it is so important that it underlies most magical things. Harry Potter was born in July (the 7th month). Hogwarts gives 7 years of magical schooling. Professor Moody was hidden in a chest with 7 locks. And there are 7 book in the Harry Potter Series. This is no accident. The number 7 is forever associated with the intuitive arts that give guidance to the subtle energy realms. Art, music, and magic are forever linked. There are 7 musical notes, do, re, me fa, so, la, and te.

Now, after that whirlwind instruction about the number 7, take a look at the signs and signals in your life. What patterns keep repeating. What are the underlying beliefs that block and inhibit your magical self to come forward? Everyone has a hidden gift and intuitive talent. Discovering yours is a moment of great joy and excitement. Life is forever magical if you open your eyes to the obvious and that that is hidden slightly below your conscious awareness. Let your life be magical today. Let yourself go and observe things that are less obvious. Today let the obvious in life be boring, dull, and lacking depth. Then look beyond the obnoxious and obvious world. The powers of magic are hidden in the places most would refuse to look.
~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

There was a super Moon, total Lunar Eclipse on Sunday evening, January 20 (9:16 PM PST, 1 degrees Leo-Aquarius). This is the last of a series of eclipses in Leo and Aquarius trajectory that have been happening since the spring 2017. And those angles will not be back until 2026. Lunar Eclipses heighten the emotions and tend to involve some sort of drama. For those with any Leo or Aquarius know that they will in particular feel the heightened emotional patterns of this eclipse. Aquarius has to do with holding the higher ideal and creating win-win environments for the collective good. Leo steps into leadership and opens people’s hearts to find creative solutions. It is time to get clear on where your heart is engaged and where it is not. More importantly, where you are appreciated for your gifts and where you are not. You do not have time for those that cannot recognize the energy and effort that you put forth in the world. Such people are not worth your time. Leo is a sign of honesty and there are those that cannot handle the truth when it is presented. It is a waste of a precious life to drain your energy around those whose only agenda is to take and that they feel entitled to have always what they want. Release people from your life whose hearts are not connected. This will create space for others to come in that can. This Full Moon is being challenged by eccentric Uranus. You will know in what situations it is time to go. It is time to explore new opportunities. it is a decisive day. You are at a turning point. You are clearing away the rift raft that is stagnant and that has refused to move or change. There is no more time to waste on those situations that continue to loop in destructive patterns. Since it is a very full day, have a planned quiet evening and put off deep relationship conversations to another day.

Mars and Saturn combine to push you past the old resistance or blocks that your mind has had you continue (uneventfully) to attempt to engage. It is clearly no longer worth it. Enough is enough. It will take more effort to step away than you believe right now. When you pull your energy out of a situation, others tend to disapprove. So be it. As they say, “You can’t get blood out of a turnip!”

As the day continues the energy pulls away from the eclipse and the Mars-Saturn in favor of a Venus-Jupiter alignment that will occur tomorrow morning. And the Moon will form a trine to Mars first and then Venus. That is encouraging and allows for your creativity to be expressed in new ways.
~Suzanne Wagner~



Prejudices are what fools
use for reason.

Prejudice is a burden that
confuses the past, threatens
the future and renders the
present inaccessible.
~Maya Angelou~






The Hate in the world right now is so tiring. It is shocking to think that there are so many that lack self-esteem to such an extent that they prey on others in such a “Macho”, “I’m Better Than You” attitude. They falsely believe that hate is more powerful than love. They are so lacking in self-respect that they have to attack a group to feel good about themselves.

Such a thing always backfires! Always!

You end up shamed and embarrassed by your choices and become haunted by your words, actions, and deeds.
I understand that some of those people will use shame as a motivator and become advocates for the opposite of their present actions. But what needs to happen is a total shift in how we teach young people.
I get that they can have “crappy” parents that pull them into patterns of “Inherited Hate”. But that is no excuse, as far as I am concerned. You are an autonomous being and are responsible for your actions.

In schools, there should be a strong consistent conversation about acceptance understanding and a “0 Tolerance” policy for such behaviors.

Now we need to add to the situation that teachers need to be paid a lot more money for handling the dysfunction of some children’s upbringing. And there should be special counselors that are trained to be objective and not prejudiced to help children make that shift because going against your parents’ patterns of behavior puts them at risk in their own homes.

These are tough pattern to unravel. But it can be done. As far as I am concerned, none of this “B*ll S*it” is okay anymore…ever!

It only continues to create a world of war and conflict. And it is completely unnecessary. That is what is so astounding to me. Choosing hate causes more suffering and does nothing to alleviate the suffering presently in the world.

Why would ANYONE with a grain of a brain want to make life harder and worse for everyone? Especially themselves! The karma for making choices that hurt others over a lifetime is an enormous burden to bear in any other lifetime.

There is a better choice. It begins with love and compassion. The tolerance that follows is something that is never forgotten and never lost to time.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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