Numerology/Astrology for 12/6/19
12/6/19 is the number 3. Yes, the holidays can be a bit of a wild ride. Yes, there are moments when it seems to be too much. Instead of focusing on all of that drama, try to see the positive intentions that humanity had when it made these holidays. In ancient times, winters were times of great hardship, illness, and death. The people needed something to look forward to something at the darkest time of the year. So a series of holidays were created when the crops were in and you could take a pause. Celebrating the return of the light (winter solstice) seemed a great idea where the tribes could meet and come together to share what they had and trade. Not to mention parties for those to meet and perhaps mate. It was a positive attempt to bring the nomadic groups together into one spot, usually one that was in the lowlands and that had grazing and water for the winter. It was a time to share ideas, recipes, how to make certain tools, to hear fresh stories, and to learn from each other. That to me is what holidays are about. The sharing. Focus on that today. And know that it is up to each of us to create traditions that allow for that feeling of “good cheer” to be a part of the season. If it is all about presents and the pressure of getting it all done, we miss those moments that really make it wonderful.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
The Moon is in Aries, stimulating you to decide and move forward in some areas of your life. You might feel impatient or see others in that same state. You want to let go of things from the past and find new ways to accomplish old things. While so much is frozen in winter signs, speed is not going to be happening. Which can make that Aries Moon irritable. But know that you can at least be enthusiastic about what is happening in your world and see the small accomplishments. The Moon in Aries brings in the gift of hope. And hope is always forward looking.
Expect a burst of energy from the trine that includes the Moon and the Sagittarius Sun. Use this burst of energy while you have it. There are moments when you can find some illusive clarity and this day might be one small uptick in the density.
Venus and Vesta seem to be moving towards a positive trine and that will help solidify and strengthen some relationships and the bonds of commitment.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Hope is always forward looking.
Fear is always looking from the eyes
and experiences of the past.
Reality is fully present in the now.
You cannot change the
future with only hope.
You cannot create a great future
if you manifest only from fear.
But when you are fully in the now,
then you can create a world that
makes sense and will continue
to grow and evolve with the
changing of times.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Education is what dissolves fear.
We live in a society that is riddled with fear.
A tapeworm that has invaded
all parts of this body of democracy
that is deathly ill.
Education is the antidote to the continued infestation of fear that claims so many souls and turns them into the mindless minions of the powerful.
Education is the antibiotic that has the potential to heal over time.
The problem with all great solutions is that the best ones do not fix things quickly.
It is one thing to fix a symptom that is plaguing the body, mind, heart, and soul.
And quite another to make the body so strong that such an illness can never happen again because the system is awake and alert to the infestation of certain things and instead will immediately eradicate those things that lead to the illness.
Within all systems in this physical realm, there have to be early warning alerts that remind everyone that there is something that is harmful to that society or person.
When you can stop something at the beginning, it is not allowed to run rampant in that organism and wreak havoc.
Clearly we missed those early warning systems and allowed toxic fear to infect many so that they are now caught by the infection that threatens everything that has given them the safety, freedoms, and security that they used to live with.
And they cannot see that they are being funneled into a trap that will ensnare the mind and take their energy and heart.
But in this reality one has to learn by experience.
Some lessons cannot be told.
They must be allowed to run through to the horrific conclusion that is apparent to those that see past facades and into the underlying intent.
~Suzanne Wagner~