Numerology/Astrology for 2/22/18
2/22/18 is the number 8. The grief continues to motivate those unmovable people out of projection and complacency and into the dawning that something needs to change. Some situations are no longer acceptable and some adults keep projecting a blind eye to the suffering of children who are to be our legacy. If your beliefs do not allow you to protect those that are young and innocent, then you need to seriously reconsider those beliefs in the blinding light of truth. It is really a simple equation. If your belief causes harm to others, then those belief are not one of divine connection but of ego and the mind. When you choose beliefs that add to the suffering of the planet you have allowed the darkness inside to control your soul. That is never a good equation for the transformation of karma. Take a look at the suffering outside that is reflecting your unresolved inside aspects. It may not be pretty. And then grieve the place that you lost your soul in the darkness of your fear. Recognition is the beginning of healing. Dance with that which you deny and learn to find the balance inside first. Only then can the outside shift back into divine alignment.
Have a gentle morning on Wednesday. It will be easier to focus your attention on Wednesday afternoon when mental Mercury and serious Saturn work in harmony with each other. The warm energy of yesterday’s Venus-Neptune conjunction is effectively extended to today. Reach out to others with more compassion and choose to give one another the benefit of the doubt. You also benefit from a Mars-Saturn parallel that helps channel energies in the direction of your personal priorities. The Moon spends much of the day in Taurus, and then enters Gemini at 7:07 PM EST. The Taurus Moon encourages pacing yourself and enjoying the moment, while the Moon in Gemini stimulates your curiosity about the world in which you find yourself.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Fighting your inner ghosts
only makes them stronger.
Dancing with them allows you to flow
with the fear and learn to merge
with that inner darkness.
In that way you love that which
you have tried to bury in the darkness.
When you learn to vibrate
at the same frequency as your inner ghost,
then you know love and that
which was disowned feels loved
and comes back home inside you,
purified and transformed.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I notice we are in one of these moments in time when it seems as if many are leaving the planet. It is as if the pain of such a tremendous shift in the energy is too much for many to adjust to and so they are opting out. It makes me wonder about this time we are in. There is a place where the anger and hurt that is being thrown around is so toxic that some people just cannot take it another moment. How are we all responsible for such times and how are we doing in being aware of what we put out into the world and how that impacts others for good or for bad?
~Suzanne Wagner~