March 3, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 3/4/16 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 3, 2016Categories: Astrology/Numerology

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Numerology/Astrology for 3/4/16

3/4/16 is the number 7. The number 7 indicates that the mind is desperate for some sort of structure and understanding but astrologically there is more confusion than clarity. The Moon transits Capricorn all day, stimulating a need to work towards your goals. There can be some tension today if you feel others are not following the rules. Mercury is moving towards a square to Mars, exact early into the day tomorrow but in effect today, causing impatience, hastiness, and disagreements. These are potential challenges of this temperamental aspect. This is not the best time for meetings or business proposals. You may be competing for the floor when it comes to expressing your ideas, thoughts, and opinions, making it difficult to engage in healthy dialogue. Mental agitation could dominate. You may stir up controversy with what you say, or how you say it. However, if mental competitiveness leads to new thinking, this can be a productive time. Both Mercury and Mars are in the last degree of signs, and the impulsiveness of this combination is emphasized as a result. Mercury is getting ready to enter Pisces on the 5th and zI can tell you that I am feeling it these few days before. Mercury does not like to be in Pisces. Mercury likes it when things are crystal clear and Pisces is a murky, mysterious, emotional and confusing space to mentally navigate. Let’s just say that many people will be feeling unsettled and emotionally stretched to their edge. You can feel that your mind is not where you want it to be or where it is comfortable and clear. We are also building towards the solar eclipse on the 8th, and once again, I personally am feeling this more heavily as it is coming in. So get ready! It is an eclipse month so things are going to get stirred up and the universe is trying to show you a doorway to a new level of growth.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“Never doubt that the road you are on us the one your supposed to be on. The universe picks up everyone when they are ready.”

~Mark Anthony~

As this month heats up remember to prepare yourself for an emotionally intense time. Expect many things to get stirred up and the discomfort level to be higher than you wish. This becomes a great moment to practice staying on top of the emotional, watery abyss that many of us may feel. Remember that emotions are fluid and morph and change if you just allow them to flow through without making one emotion more important than another.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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