March 8, 2022

Numerology/Astrology for 3/9/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 8, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 3/9/2022

3/9/2022 is the number 18.

3 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 18. Or the number 9.

The Number 9 is the ending of an old reality, and it requests us to be prepared for something new.
In this moment, certain changes may not be pleasant. Expect that many things may be hard to deal with.
Take your time in adjusting to this new world. Many things are going to surface that are going to expand our coping strategies.

This number shows the two faces of Magic and Mystery. One is the light Isis and the other is the dark Isis (Nepthis). They are the two sides of feminine energy. The giver of life and the destructive ability of the feminine in death.

This number reminds us that often the spiritual journey is one that is forced upon us by circumstances outside ourselves.
We seek to understand choices that are so reckless and horrific that life is pushing us up against situations that show our true colors and show us where there is a line inside of us.

Our environment is having a terrible impact and our caring requires a type of depth that is profound … and terrifying.
Suffering is seen at every turn.
The external world is impacting us in ways that are hormonal and are amplifying the emotional distress.

Know that some of what we are feeling is the emotional explosions of those in distress from far away.
Deaths in war carry a huge vibration that carries around the globe because of the level of atrocity and despair. Try to move beyond stress and into recognizing what is ours emotionally and what is the pain and suffering of the people in Ukraine.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology for Today

The Moon in Gemini makes things in the world get very interesting. Communications become even more important and those systems that are secure become vital in the conflicts abroad.

Mercury goes into Pisces and will stay there till the 27th of March. Many things in our mind become even more specific and instinctual. That feeling that lurks underneath the mind is becoming more powerful and loud.
We must notice the unrelenting emotional pain and suffering being inflicted upon certain individuals, groups, and countries.
Colors stain the minds and hearts of each of us. And that color is red like the blood being spilled in Ukraine.
Step away from labels or trying to make sense out of this crazy moment in history.
Life has its own ebbs and flows.
Rationality is not present in this moment. Certain individuals are all about pride and “Pride comes before a fall!”
It is inevitable that this moment will show in graphic detail the terrible actions of one man and the destructive capabilities when a country gives dangerous people too much power.
I hope we learn this lesson.
Many things make indelible impressions and will continue to emotionally overwhelm us. Take care of your own state of being and wellness.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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