April 1, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 4/2/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 1, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 4/2/21                       

4/2/21 is the number = 11

Add the 4 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 11.

The Number 11 expands us again into new and uncharted domains of awareness. There is so much in life to discover if we will let it teach us. The big issue is always choice. Choice and the limited expression of free will that we utilize in this life will define us in either limiting ways or expansive ones.

There are moments when we push against our karma restrictions, this life, and the hidden potential trying to be expressed. All three can be quite a barrier to overcome.

But try, we must. It is not always about succeeding to the level that we believe we are capable of. It is about reaching those that we were intended to connect with.

When I was doing a lot of meditation in my late teens and 20’s, I asked the guides how long I was going to live?

I will never forget their answer. They said, “When you connect to and give the gifts you agreed to give, then that is when you will get to leave.”

And that is what life is really about. It is not about getting but giving.

It is not about success. It is about connection.

We strive for levels of self-importance, but in reality, they are less valuable than the joy of helping others and giving what we have to attempt to make the world better in our small way.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today             

The Moon sparks that spirit of adventure on Friday and helps us reach beyond the world that has been feeling a bit limited and restricted.

Nature is the answer to that feeling. The expansiveness of Sagittarius inspires fantastic discussions of philosophical depth and insight.

Small ideas often manifest in significant ways in this world.

The Moon opposes Mars and can act out in more volatile ways. Notice if you feel a bit discombobulated or slightly confused and off. Be respectful of boundaries that others are defining. Keep to the rules that are imposed, and be careful not to take shortcuts. This combination is attempting to expand the mind and expose us to new and exciting things.

Mercury and Pluto will sextile, and that adds to the process intended to deepen our perspective. Take your time and know that if you need to make a decision, be sure to look past the obvious and remember that most things are not what they seem.

Many things are about to shift rapidly, and know that having inner stability will be very important moving forward.

~Suzanne Wagner~



I notice that it is the small kindnesses
that bring warmth to my heart
and curve my mouth into a smile.
It is those things that one recognizes
are something that another considered
you in the choice that they then manifested.
You recognize that they did it to please
and it came not from need to get anything
back but just because they care about you.
Nothing is better than when someone does
an act just because they know
it will open your heart.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Spring has sprung. Some of my tiny seedlings have burst forth. We are in the process of expanding the fencing in our garden to keep the deer out.

There is much to do, and cool mornings in which to do them is so much easier for me.

I managed to complete one bank process required for my uncle’s estate. It only took a month and a half. But now I am on to the next bank to do the same thing.

I am wishing everyone a lovely spring and the beginning of the end of the Coronavirus cycle.

I keep thinking of what lovely trips I want to plan once this is all over.

This last year has brought up so much appreciation for the small things in life.

Little freedoms that we used to take for granted.

I love what I have accomplished. I love that I have paid down the debt in my life.

I have fallen more deeply in love with my husband and appreciate him in wondrous new ways.

I have found a calmer place to sit within my being.

I care less for the apparent trappings of my old life.

My perfectionism has dramatically diminished.

I have less time for those that have no intention of giving back.

I appreciate silence and the sounds of nature more.

I have healed my body in ways that required deep rest and stepped away from habitual patterns of exercise that used to be stress relievers, but now I see how I was taxing my body and pushing it instead of listening to it.

Overall, I find that most of us are much more aware.

Aware of our weaknesses but not from a place of judging them but of acceptance and learning grace.

Have a wonderful spring.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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