April 22, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 4/23/17 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 22, 2017Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 4/23/17

4/23/17 is the number 10. How do we begin again? How do we find a doorway to come together? How do we deal with such intense upset and emotional volatility that has built up to the point where a slight problem causes an aggressive response from people? This is no joke. Pretty much everyone is coming to the end of a rope and edge where they cannot handle one more thing. And life is about one more thing. So, when that one more thing happens there is a snap point and all that has been repressed inside explodes out in an over the top response of pent up feelings. The result is never good. Somehow, we have to find a way to get humanity to recognize the stress they are under and then begin to have coping skills implemented and learned so that they have options in how they respond. This knee jerk reaction level that is happening is dangerous not just to the person but to all those around them. It becomes a challenge when we have leaders whose own behavior matches this response giving a sort of “permission” to condone such bad behavior. Do not mimic others. Move from what is true inside your own nature but take responsibility for your personal issues and power. Reflect first on how you would see others doing this same behavior and decide if that is how you want others to see you. You get to choose whether you are going to show your highest self or if you are going to move from your lowest human condition.
The Moon continues its transit of Pisces until 8:34 PM EDT, after which it moves into Aries. While the Pisces Moon is flowing and easygoing, a Mars-Jupiter challenge this morning can wind you up. Become consciously aware of exactly how that wound up energy is expressed. Enthusiasm and motivation can be wonderful now if you know where to channel excess energy, but over-confidence and over-estimation of what you are capable of doing may lead to poor decisions or regrettable actions. This can be a competitive, perhaps argumentative influence. A Mars-Node square points to possible blocks to your progress, likely involving excess ego and or impatience. The Moon enters fiery Aries this evening, but you are also moving towards a Mercury-Saturn trine, exact tomorrow morning, which favors measured and considered choices and points to realistic thinking and a desire for order and organization. This is a good time for attention to detail and a pragmatic concern for the future, even if you are turning your attention to the past. Assessments made now tend to be practical and well thought out. Conversations may be spare but to the point. Manifestation and achievement are what satisfy on mental levels right now.
~Suzanne Wagner~



The masks you wear disguise your soul.
Do you see your own mask?
Do you know why you wear it?
To become authentic
you have to be willing
to recognize the masks you wear
and why.
Then you have to be willing
to let them fall away
to revel the most vulnerable self
that you have been afraid to reveal.

~Suzanne Wagner~



How do we stop blaming? That can be difficult when there are those in charge that seem to not consider you or your feelings and values at all. When there are those in power that are actively attempting to hurt you, your life, your financial condition, your security in the future, your health, your death process, your air, your states financial status, and the very world you live on. It is difficult when facts will not be listened to. It is difficult when the experts are not listened to. It is difficult when the voice of the majority of life on this planet is not listened to. There is such a force of movement that is happening right now to make science and knowledge be heard and listened to. Personal preference is not the basis of making global policy.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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