Numerology/Astrology for 4/24/15
Today we are in the number 9. You can see clearly if you are willing to integrate the three worlds, physical, intellectual, and spiritual. You are letting go of the old world that is preventing your new self to emerge. Let the perfection of this moment be the catalyst to move you forward. The Moon is in Cancer all day, stimulating your desire for familiarity and safety. Mercury forms a sextile with Chiron, which can help open up communications. However, Venus quincunx Pluto points to the need to make adjustments or reassessments in your close relationships, with your finances, or when it comes to our pursuit of pleasure and entertainment. Issues of power and control can arise. Fears of loss or betrayal could be at the heart of suspicions and doubts raised now.
~Suzanne Wagner~
“A jug fills drop by drop.”
Let yourself be filled. Let your heart break open and finally allow the love out that has been wanting to express. You are in a perfect moment of transcendence of the old. You can be reborn if you allow it to move fully through your body. Do not resist this moment. Embrace it fully. See beyond the body into the expression of the soul that is emerging. Let your tears overflow your ego.
~Suzanne Wagner~