Numerology/Astrology for 4/25/15
Today we are in the number 10. Every day can be a new beginning. What would you like yours to be? There is great power in being able to begin again. There is great power in letting go and trusting the flow of life. The Moon continues its transit of Cancer until 9:14 AM EDT, when it enters Leo. The Sun semi-squares Chiron this morning, and while you may be hungry to learn, grow, improve, and heal, you may be temporarily low on confidence and worried about making poor decisions. A First Quarter Moon occurs this evening when the Sun in Taurus forms a square with the Leo Moon. There is a crisis theme surrounding any quarter Moon phase, as you feel compelled to take action. Shortly after, you are made aware of how your actions affect those close to you, perhaps through trial and error. Whatever project or initiative you began around the New Moon is now off the ground, and it may face its first obstacles.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Someone who is angry is someone who doesn’t know how to handle their suffering. They are the first victim of their suffering, and you are actually the second victim. Once we can see this, compassion is born in our heart and anger evaporates. We don’t want to punish them any more, but instead we want to say something or do something to help them suffer less.
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
Being in the presence of authentic emotion is always freeing and feels like love. There is a deep vulnerability and tenderness when that true core self is in the patterns of expressing feeling. In that moment all hearts break open. All there is to do is witness the person and hold them in a tender energetic embrace. This frees the spirit of both because there is nothing to do and nothing to fix. Witnessing the baring of a soul causes both to open in love. And that is enough.
~Suzanne Wagner~