Numerology/Astrology for 5/8/18
5/8/18 is the number 6. Perhaps you are so tired that your energy is demanding that you retreat and rest. This number 6 is after all the energy of the hermit. Sometimes it is wiser to stop and regroup before you actively attack the next situation or problem. A wise man does not react and leap into a fray. A wise man stops, objectively analyzes the pieces and patterns unfolding, then makes a plan based on the truth of the reality. You are being asked to step into the place of the wise man. And yet, there are hypocrites that are out there just wanting to throw you off your game. They want you to collapse and be weak-willed. Even in clarity be graceful and willing to compromise when it is essential to find the middle ground. Notice how many around you feel restless and overwhelmed. Do your best to be that calm energy of the Hermit so that in your presence they feel that sense of calm and certainty.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
There are two forces pulling in opposite directions and the effect can feel like you are being pulled apart. I find that when I have such aspects, knowing each one clearly helps me make decisions with objectivity rather than reactiveness. The Aquarius Moon gives you the inclination to be more detached, objective, and reasonable. But the Sun in opposition to Jupiter is tends to take things to an extreme with all that fire and heat. The two biggest spheres in the sky bounce off each other and can make your emotions and actions go over the top. You might notice where you have over-extended and suddenly now the universe is demanding a change or forcing you to re-arrange your priorities. These conflicting urges regarding what you think you should do and what you want to do are now clearly an issue. There are two areas of life where you have a particular need to shine and grow. These are the Sun in Taurus and Jupiter in Scorpio. And for the moment these two forces seem to be in direct conflict with one another. Expect changes in a project or a shift in your personal ambitions. You have a huge urge to grow and expand but if you have been overreaching, you will notice a deep tiredness and then you will have to adjust your expectations. In the evening, the Sun is opposite Jupiter expanding your perspective on who you are. Just notice if you use that as an excuse to override yourself again and put yourself in a place of compromised energy.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I have a dream of a peaceful world
One that was for our children’s children.
That dream is possible.
But now forces are in play
That threaten that dream.
Such dreams that are for
the betterment of humanity
must be fought for.
You cannot be complacent anymore.
To do so would be nothing less
than treachery.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I spent yesterday in the garden, clearing out the weeds, clover that had gotten out of control, and emptying the pots because of them being rootbound from last year’s flowers. There is nothing like getting your hands in the dirt. Last year my dear friend Helen Schumann died after a long battle with breast cancer and bone cancer and she was an avid gardener. I told her one day when she had been in the garden all day, stooped over from the cancer twisting her bones, that I knew she was not dying, she was becoming a flower. She laughed but it was not far from the truth. She poured her love that was so prolific in her heart out into the world in many ways but the way that gave back to her the most was her garden. To her, there was still always more beauty to create and more things to love and bring to life. I know that it was her garden that fed her and kept her alive. So, as I was out in the garden, I could feel her with me, helping, whispering, and giving ideas. And there was a newfound patience that took over my body. There was no rushing, only doing one small thing at a time. She was teaching me to not think too far ahead but to focus only on one thing. Accomplish that and then decide on the next thing. It was beautiful, exhausting, fulfilling, and a wonderful day with my dear friend. I love that we are never really alone. I love that we can accomplish even more with greater joy and awareness if we just open to the support and love from those that are now on the other side. Let go of the selfish, old ways that you moved through your life. Instead try on another’s perspective, gifts, and awareness. Help is right there for you. You just need to open to those messages.
~Suzanne Wagner~