Numerology/Astrology for 6/16/15
Today is the number 3. Take the playful positive approach to things today. If you try you can find a positive meaning to all situations. In general the universe is not trying to cause you a problem, though it is probably trying to wake you up. And sometimes waking up is hard to do but it is not inherently a problem. You are shifting from one state of awareness to another. Enjoy it. A New Moon occurs in the sign of Gemini this morning at 10:06 AM EDT. A new cycle begins. The New Moon in Gemini cycle presents opportunities to commit to personal goals that express the positive energies of the sign of the Twins. It’s time to improve your communication skills by listening to others and enjoying others’ points of view, rather than doggedly seeking to find that one elusive “answer”. This is a good cycle under which to re-evaluate your communication and social skills by questioning just how much you actually take in information, and communicate in a friendly, non-threatening manner. With this potent Gemini energy, you have the chance to make important changes in your life. This lunation is aligned with Mars, stimulating courage but perhaps some impatience. The coming week is strong for new beginnings, and particularly those that require bravery or trailblazing.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Enlightenment is ego’s ultimate disappointment.
~Chogyam Trungpa~
What can you do today to sabotage your ego? How can you actively engage in things that unravel the fear and control that you ego wants to have over you? That is today’s challenge. Look at what keeps you stuck. Is it a thought, a belief, or a behavior? Then rebel against the control that this thing has over you. Do the exact opposite and see what begins to happen. Miracles open up and energy frees up when you go against the grain of your established reality. It is always a good moment when you push against limitation and fear. Give it a try. It will be fun.
~Suzanne Wagner~