June 15, 2018

Numerology/Astrology for 6/16/18 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 15, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology

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Numerology/Astrology for 6/16/18


6/16/18 is the number 6. The number 6 reminds you again to look deep. Deep inside your core. Deep inside your essential self. Deep inside the places that you are afraid to look. Deep inside to the places where your personality attempts to sabotage your karmic transformation. Never believe what others present externally. That is never who is really inside. The same is true for you also. We each have a persona that we know (from experience) is acceptable to the external world. But living from that place is often flat and without depth. The number 6 is about reconnecting to that depth that makes you a unique individual. That depth that makes you interesting. In that depth is a true self that is soul divine and knows what is right from what is wrong. In that spark of spirit that infuses your life essence is that light of a great love that knows know boundary or separation. Nor would it intentionally hurt or harm others. Now is the time to connect to that place and allow that part that is beyond ego to guide your choices as you move forward.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Astrology Today

Uranus semi-square Neptune, Mercury in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn. Today is the day for a new friendships or relationships. There is a new vulnerability that is expanding you into a much more emotionally open place. This is a fun day.

From this moment forward, things are really starting to move signs and houses. This makes it you focus on working very hard and generating public displays of what you want to do in the world. Go ahead. Get out there and see what will happen.

This morning’s semi-square between Uranus and Neptune is exact. This is a long-term transit that first formed in August 2017 and will continue to impact us again and again, until May 2019. This is a time when you can feel particularly inspired. You may expect a type of restless if your dreams are no longer fulfilling to you.  If things feel less and less hopeful then you must make changes to your external choices and actions.. You should watch out for getting caught up in speculative ventures and whims. Just know that unusual tangents rarely last.

As the day advances, a Mercury-Mars quincunx comes into play and points to some aggravation. You may not feel understood and that you can’t seem to get where you want to go fast enough. I reminded everyone in 2017 that nothing was going to move very quickly. So this is that gentle reminder again. What you do and what you think or say are not in alignment. The longer this lasts the more broken you will feel inside. This aspect makes many people not listen to what others have to say. Notice that you may end up interrupting people and trying to make assumptions that fit into your narrow band of thinking.

This is not a good time for making important decisions. That is because there is a type of impatience, this afternoon because of a Moon-Mars opposition also active.

The Moon is in Cancer only until early morning, after which the Moon moves into the sign of Leo.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Be aware of false knowledge;
it is more dangerous than

~George Bernard Shaw~





Truth, gleams like the sun in a courageous man’s eyes.
Honesty, looks out at the world with tearful eyes.
Hope, looks out expecting to see light in the darkness.
Faith, looks to move even when it cannot see the way.
Joy, looks out and believes in the possibility.
Happiness, knows that the way out of despair, is to try.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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