June 16, 2020

Numerology/Astrology for 6/16/2020 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 16, 2020Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 6/16/20

6/16/20 is the number 8. If you add the 6 + 1 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 = 17.
1 + 7 = 8.

What can you do today to alleviate suffering in others or yourself? Are you being kind to you? Notice what is bubbling to the surface of your consciousness. These moments can be difficult for everyone but perhaps you need to cut yourself some slack. Remember, that you are doing a great job and that you are deeply appreciated. Know that the effort of kindness right now will come back to you in wonderful ways later. While what is happening is not funny for anyone. You can still make this crazy world, Fun! While it will be difficult to listen to what is happening out there you can do what you can to create joys in small ways. Practice now because you are going to need a lot of skills to reframe the chaos that is about to erupt.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon moves into Taurus early in the morning. You will long for more comfort and stability. So take a breath and let yourself slow way down. Be gentle and encouraging. Patience is the key to steady progress.

The Moon squares Saturn in the morning and so expect something to be very jarring. Not something anyone wants to hear at this moment. Stick to the duties and things on your lists. If you see something that needs to be done, just do it. Don’t delay. That will lead to regrets later.

Get ready for the Mercury retrograde in Cancer on June 17-July 12. Back up that computer today.

And we are also heading towards that solar eclipse on the solstice on June 20th. Get ready because a lot is going to be going on shortly.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Take command of yourself.

Recognize that what appears

is not always real.

Become that which others

look up to and want to emulate.

Remember to become something

of beauty and wonder

in this world of amazing things.

You make a difference every time

you try to connect to this world

and all the things in it.

~Suzanne Wagner~


While I know the world needs love. Love seems to separate and divide. It is not supposed to … but right now it seems too. You can love something and then that gives you permission to hate something else. And you focus on what you love because then you know you are a loving person and you can’t possibly be a bad person. You focus on that love but then can potentially forget the places that you are not fully love.

The opposite of love is not hate …. it is disinterest. Therefore if you love …. you can also hate. This world is filled with that internal and external conflict of our dualistic nature. And the lack of inner awareness of our own duality is exploding out into the world and tearing at the fabric of civilized behavior.

I believe the answer is not just love but about learning the delicate art of compassion. Compassion is the key to staying heart open and willing to feel past our self and into the heart of another. The moment you do that and really connect to another person, truly, deeply, you discover that innate connection that is more real than the ideas of others or the thoughts that your own mind have put into your head.

It is time to cultivate a culture of compassion. Perhaps that is a path that will lead to a better and kinder world. We seem to have instead cultivated a world of selfish, childish, indulgent, reactive, immature souls who think that they are better than others. And such a culture will always, historically, implode on itself.

I believe we can do better than this.

I believe that we are on the brink of awakening to our own destructive self. That is the key to making a significant shift. At least a beginning. Learning to transform this primal dense place of the human condition into a more integrated and balanced knowing is going to take time and tremendous effort. I believe we can get there. I believe that it is a critical choice at this moment in time.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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