June 16, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 6/17/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 16, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 6/17/21

6/17/21 is the number = 19

Add the 6 + 1 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 19. Or 1 + 9 = 10

The Number 10 has power in choice and action. It is time to do, not to ponder. The Number 10 is all about what can be done right now. What steps can we take to make a change manifest in our lives? Who are we becoming … really? Our mistakes mean nothing in the larger scope of things. Never back away from change. Never deny yourself an experience that could change everything you know or think you know. Embrace what is offered and let life show the way. We may think we know what is best for us, but we don’t. That is what today is about, embracing this moment fully and dancing towards a life that is offered by life.

The moment we allow that to happen and let life teach us is when we get to touch that potential within.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The astrology is simple today. The Moon is still in Virgo, and today is about doing those things that help others and make us feel useful. Bringing order into those things that feel disturbed or confusing takes planning and some practice.

Combining the number 10 energy with the astrology shows that no matter what, we need to take the initiative in the ways that matter for us. Don’t worry about making mistakes. Give some new things a try.

Neptune continues to drag us ever more deeply into our emotions and feeling. We cannot escape those things that are arising. It is time to let things be revealed to us and appreciate the subtle touches that have been hidden until this moment.

With the Sun in Gemini, we are asked to look at both sides within ourselves and our world. Owning up to the inherent duality nature of our world will only help us find a better balance and understanding of our place in this world.

~Suzanne Wagner~


How many great inventions

were lost to the sands of time

because of those that feared

things they did not understand?

Nor were they open to let in

that potential for change.

How many great inventors were

thwarted because of religiosity

and beliefs and assumptions

that arose because of them?

~Suzanne Wagner~


We outgrow so many things that our inner self will nostalgically hang onto out of fear of letting that special moment go.

But life is always about what we are going to do in the next moment.

The past will always be the past. That we cannot change.

But the future is unfolding and being molded and shaped with each choice we make.

There are things we attach to that we believe we can’t live without.

And then there are things that we don’t even know we need or want that arise in front of us, and we are grateful that they exist. Never knowing that we could even have such a thing nor that it could even exist.

This world holds wonders that gift us with hope and love that we never even knew we needed.

Life intentionally takes us along a path that we would never have taken.

Life gets us on those paths by creating mistakes and dead ends, forcing us to take a path that seems the only option offered to us.

There are no mistakes.

There is no way to do things wrong if we listen to our heart and follow its crooked pathway into the unknown.

~Suzanne Wagner~



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