Numerology/Astrology for 7/6/18
7/6/18 is the number 6. The number 6 asks you to look at how much you love yourself? If you really loved yourself you would take time and enjoy life more. You would allow for long sleep patterns and cuddling. You would feel emotionally and spiritually full that you would have a lot to give others. You would be in harmony with your life and your choices. You would be generous with those in need and would want to help provide for others well-being. If you really loved yourself you would know that others are safe with you and that you have the capacity in difficult times to provide safety and harmony.
When you are not in alignment with the number 6 you do things from a deep feeling of unworthiness. Your actions while they might appear to be kind and generous would be coming from needing to belong and/or a feeling of guilt or the need to atone or make up for previous actions. Such a person may be giving but the feeling from the receiving end is somehow a bit off. It feels inauthentic. And yet, the process of giving even when you do not have a lot is a process of learning generosity and goodness regardless of life’s circumstances.
The game is always awareness. You have to have the awareness to notice where the energy you are using is coming from. Notice your intention and the motivating force behind that flow
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology Today
We are in the last Quarter of the Moon. It is exact early in the day and the Sun in Cancer forms a square with the Moon in Aries. Once again, we come to the crossroads of a crisis in consciousness. As clarity comes in from the full moon earlier, we decide to disperse that knowledge and that helps us learn to sort out the patterns that seem to work well in our nervous system and those that don’t. In every life are moments of death and rebirth. Moments when we much let go of something in our past and move forward, regardless of if it is settled energetically or not. This is one of those moments. When the externals do not manifest in the way of your mind then you must be willing to descend into the deeper places of your unconsciousness to find the pieces that you seem to be missing. This shows a deepening maturity. A perspective beyond the childish narcissism of needing to get what you want and into the place of adulthood which requires surrender into what is and to find the flow and joy in this precious moment. Growing up requires you to recognize that this life is never about getting what you want but about accepting what is given. When you come to that clear and only stable conclusion your vision becomes more clear and concise and your maturity moves beyond wanting into knowing.
The position of Venus and Mercury are stimulating your mind into some very clever thinking and therefore the maneuvering of your next actions will seem better organized.
Plan and strategize to your hearts content. This is a great day to allow that into your life and it will leave you feeling much more accomplished and happy. Let the pioneering Aries Moon give you that extra juice to do those things that you know you have been putting off and let that energy help you leap to your next set of accomplishment.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Growing up requires you to recognize
that this life is never about
getting what you want
but about accepting
what is given.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Perhaps it is karma that takes us down the road we refused to travel.
Those choices that all led to this one remaining road
without an alternative that seems obvious.
Yet I know the power in one choice.
One choice, one realization even now can open seemingly impossible doors.
One moment of clarity colored with the taints of responsibility
brings in options that previously never even registered to the consciousness.
Awareness is one thing.
Responsibility for that awareness is another.
Acting upon that clarity of our own responsibility to that understanding, quite another.
~Suzanne Wagner~