August 12, 2021

Numerology/Astrology for 8/12/2021 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 12, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 8/12/21

8/12/21 is the number = 16

Add the 8 + 1 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 16. Or 1 + 6 = 7.

Today the Number 7 is the number that implies order in the subtle energy realms. It shows us that beyond our normal obvious five senses there is … something else. Something that exists and yet is less obvious.
The number 7 is about those maps that track the mystical, magical, and subtle energy realms that exist just beyond our normal cognitive experience.

All the great souls that have attempted to seek out truth and to understand the nature of the universe have a strong impulse that comes from the number 7.
Those that align and vibrate with the number 7, have the ability to master the subtle realm and want to explore the areas of energy, nature, and life. While these areas might frighten others, they feel compelled to learn the skills that will allow them to move withing the magic that still exists in this world.
And all great teachers and masters have worked and dedicated their lives to recognizing the power of the mind, the integration of how thoughts manifest life and worlds, and the tremendous power and responsibility such a gift requires.
We never waste energy or time when we meditate or study the tools and sciences of energy, matter, and manifestation.

Understanding that there is a powerful energy that connects all life and is the source of great inspirations, ideas, art, and culture come from the places that the number 7 wishes to explore.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today

The Moon tries to find the balance as it moves through Libra. It is a sign that compromise is wanted but I worry if this chaotic world is ready for such a harmonious interaction. At least we can always continue to try.

Find those places within that promote reasonable choices and actions. Fairness and the desire not to win over another but to share and bring an exchange of ideas and broaden the knowledge base for the good of all.
It gives a good feeling to work together with others on a joined purpose.
The Moon will trine Saturn allowing us to appreciate others and allow us to practice patience. Notice that today, we appreciate our home and family more than ever.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Do you know how to disappear?
Do you know it requires embracing fear?
There are tools that are offered on the other side.
Of doors that require you to release arrogance and pride.
If you want to find the magic within.
You must first let go of the desire to win.
Then you will discover that powers you seek from another time.
Are within your grasp when you shift your paradigm.

~Suzanne Wagner~


What do I know of the magical skills of the great masters and teachers?

I am able to understand some. I have experienced many things that profoundly shifted my perspective of reality.
And I know that there are souls out there that have abilities that are beyond the comprehension of most. I have seen the manifestation of powers that would blow your mind.

I have learned that mental focus and self-discipline are essential to the manifestation of all things in this reality.
I also know the unconscious telepathic agreement fields of the masses have created this world in which we live.

But let’s talk about the power of the mind and the power of thought for a moment.

Tibetans train in specific ways that allow for their thoughts to concentrate to manifest their body to appear in other places. This is supposedly how the Dalai Lama escaped Tibet and went to India.

From what I know of the technique, while it is possible that the Dalai Lama pulled it off himself, I actually suspect that many other very skilled Tulcas and Magicians probably did it for him. The technique requires one to be very still and in a meditative state for long periods of time.
The Dalai Lama was moving quickly along pathways and trails in the steep Himalayan Mountains trying to reach India. Being able to do such a skill would be tremendously difficult under those circumstances.
And he was seen in many places within minutes of each other in an effort to distract the armies that were after him.

I remember one of my teachers saying to me that most of humanity had not enough mental discipline to manifest the patterns that would serve this world and their fellow followers along this path. Their internal disorganized states of chaotic and unregulated thoughts promote war, conflict, division, fear, and inhibit the healthy progression that the human potential pretends to reach for.

That is why I speak so much about intention, thoughts, self-control, and responsible choices. Without a world that has enough people that have embraced models of appropriate and skilled expertise in self-discipline this world will continue its paths of self-destruction.

And when it is all lost, a few will remain and rebuild once again.

It is why I make a conscious agreement to learn those skills that I have the capacity to experience in this life.

I have touched places in my psyche that have given me temporary access to energies that forever changed me and were able to reach beyond this reality and into other places and times. I have learned how to become my power animals and transmit those thoughts, intentions, and energy to other living creatures. I have learned how much time and effort it takes to manage to control the small amounts of magical energy that come out of my own mind.

From that, I have been able to see what could be possible. I could feel the powerful gift that is this place, earth.

I appreciate those who use their focus for art, music, and many other creative endeavors.

What I know is that we are young souls is a vast universe of potential.

I recognize that there is much to learn about mastering the subtle energy realms. I know that too often our ego desire for self-importance tries to motivate us in the directions of magic.

But the access door of true magic is not ever presented when the ego is in control.

When the ego is the instigator, the manifestions are always about power, domination, control over others, money, greed, self-importance, and fame. Small, selfish, and insignificant intentions from the minds of those that have not yet realized the huge potential within them.

And while one can manage to get places with such a focus, it also has a downside. That downside is the recoil of the karmic consequences to those actions, especially when they harm others.

True magic that comes from self-less-ness and compassion, never has a negative karmic consequence.

But such skills do require years of training and concentration. Self-discipline, and a heart-felt connection with all of life, while knowing our place in that great circle of life.

I speak of this today, because of what the thoughts of the masses are co-creating. It should frighten everyone to the point that they recognize that we as a world need to make a choice towards self-control and appropriate behaviors and choices.

It is the first step towards doorways that lead into the magical realms where there are powers and skills are available that will shift our awareness out of smallness and into the great and hidden powers of this human potential.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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