August 5, 2019

Numerology/Astrology for 8/7/19 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 5, 2019Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 8/7/19


8/7/19 is the number 9. The dance of emptiness and fullness. Inhalation and exhalation. That is life itself. That pulse that is eternal. The heartbeat that pounds spirit into reality. Today, take a look at that essence within that fills up the spaces of your body. Then extend it beyond your body and into the energy patterns that interconnect all things in life. That is how you feel full and complete. It was never about stuff. It is never about getting what you want. It is about filling up this world with what you have and who you are.

Before you can fully fill up a space,
you have to begin with the emptiness of grace.
Then what you fill the space with is not in question,
but an embodiment of the soul’s intention,
creative expression,
and intuitive connection.
There will always be spaces to fill,
inside, outside, from your spirit and will.
When things in your life come fully around,
your world becomes more than just sight and sound.
It becomes a reflection of who you are.
A reminder that within you is that star.
That lights the way home for yourself to see,
when you forget your own eternity.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology Today


Right at lunch time, the Sun enters into a trigoanl Connection with Jupiter. This is very good as a link. It gives tremendous vitality, inspiration, and creativity. Start something special today. It is kissed by the divine in some magical way. It holds a spark of a possibility and that spark can ignite fire of change that has moral fortitude and is destined for some form of success.

The Moon in Scorpio adds to this watery, emotional flow of creative expression. The tension you feel does not feel irritating but activating now. Inhibitions fall away and a pure expressions of who you are explodes into the forefront of your consciousness.

The Sun in Leo trines another fiery aspect of Jupiter in Sagittarius. Challenges are enthusiastically taken on. You offer praise and appreciation to others and receive respect and admiration in return. You feel optimistic and joyous to express that with others.

The Moon in Scorpio sextile Saturn, so be responsible for your actions and the things you instigate and organize. If it is yours, own it. You are inspired and also deliberate.

Be surprised and allow gifts to come your way with the Moon trining Neptune. Let your imagination run wild. Artistic expression explodes into new forms and there is a variety as well as spontaneity that is infectious.

You are dancing with sentiment and this gives you added energy to be more adventurous and interested in taking breaks to see the beauty all around.

This is a perfect time to take a break and discover magic in your world. Just what the doctor ordered. It is time to fill yourself back up with energy from the life all around you. Take advantage of this moment and enjoy it fully.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Lied to. Cheated. Intentionally defeated.
Mistakes manipulated and repeated.
A monster of gluttony and greed.
Crying and whining in attentions need.
Emotions reacting
To the hallucinations acting.
A headless slave that loves abuse.
Trapped inside his own bloodied sluice.
We are standing on a ceiling in a world twirling
Where politician’s blabber is fed by sterling.
Lost on a ground without any skies.
Hope falling into pitiful sighs.
As I danced between falling and flying
I recognized truths as they were lying.
Can we wake up from this dream?
That is yet to be seen.
~Suzanne Wagner~







Lied to. Cheated. Intentionally defeated.
Mistakes manipulated and repeated.
A monster of gluttony and greed.
Crying and whining in attentions need.
Some saw the writing on the wall
Some had feeble eyes that could not read the scrawl.
This world is a catalyst but split in two.
The warning wasn’t meant for me, but you.
Emotions reacting
To the hallucinations acting.
A story told throughout time.
A story too obvious to be sublime.
Some just wanted to dance
Yet found themselves in an alley by chance.
Filth and rot and a smell so bad
From an emperor who really was just a cad.
Blood runs thick in these days so dark.
Metal slicing as a guillotine hits its mark.
A headless slave that loves abuse.
Trapped inside his own bloodied sluice.
Herein we arrive at a choice.
One where logic yells over noise.
But we live in a time where the bounds of logic fall.
Are we mad to believe that we can have it all?
We are standing on a ceiling in a world twirling
Where politician’s blabber is fed by sterling.
There are those that respond with mad.
And I only see that they are really sad.
Lost on a ground without any skies.
Hope falling into pitiful sighs.
What thoughts were flying are now failing.
What was floating we are now bailing.
The only signs to read are the personal scars.
Did you really escape? Are you very far?
As I danced between falling and flying
I recognized truths as they were lying.
And I found my balance that was clarifying.
And I knew that my world was really dying.
Can we wake up from this dream?
That is yet to be seen.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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