January 2, 2023

Suzanne’s Blog – I am a Chapel Hidden by the Sea

Suzanne’s Blog for 12/24/2022


Blog – I Am A Chapel Hidden By The Sea


The things that wander in my mind.
Determine the quality of the life I will find.

My thoughts are the colors in the palate of my feelings.

My dreams are the clouds that are painted on my ceilings.
I am a chapel hidden in a canyon by the sea.

I sing to the ocean, and she sings back to me.

She has taught me that while I can have power over my mind.

I cannot control a world that is determined to be unkind.
I have learned to choose to linger in the stars.

To ask questions and to discover what we are.

Are we an angel wandering in the deserts of time?
Are we an energy just exploring the divine?
Run with the waves and never listen to what others say.

Opinions are designed to cause upset and dismay.
What humans see, are only their perspectives of what they already believe.

It is in seeking truth … that one can, great things achieve.
What we think is rarely (if ever) a fact.

Minds lash out when the body refuses to act.
When the external world does not meet your soul’s demand.

It only means that your evaluation of it now shows that you did not understand.
To worry about the future is to be blocked from effective choice.
Those that are the loudest … tend to make most of the noise.
Change is the willingness to seek another path.
Those that continue to lie, will live within their own ignorant wrath.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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