January 2, 2023

Suzanne’s Personal Blog for 12/23/2022 – The Season of Light

Suzanne’s Blog for 12/23/2022


Blog – The Season of Light


The New Year approaches and Father time is getting old.

We had the Solstice to shift the light into gold.

Hanukkah arrived in the warming of the hearths.
Santa is coming and his elves and dwarfs…

Are busy getting things ready, as the children prepare.
To play with those new toys and hug that teddy bear.

We celebrate the birthdate of a saint from long ago.

Even though he was born when the stars gave a light show.

And that moment was not in December you see.

It was in March that the super nova heralded his coming to be.

But we pay homage to his birth as the light comes back around.

In ancient times, humanity needed hope to rebound.

When the air was cold, and the snow was deep.

We needed a reason to come together and keep.

Hope alive and share what we had.
Connect to family and be with our granddad.
Sometime those older with time and discretion.
Can help us past our fears and depression.

That is because they have weathered many moments of old.

And they learned that what they thought was not a threshold.

Thoughts limit and restrict us … as we go.

Better to embrace it all because in truth … we never know.

What could be around that next bend.

And when Father Time might indicate this is the end.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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