April 1, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 4/2/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 1, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


The stray, outdoor, calico cat is desperate for love.

She is coarse, tough, and thinks she is unworthy of.

What is offered when kindness arrives.

She has been out there just trying to survive.

She cannot seem to not hiss and purr.

She cannot decide which one would lure.

That food that comes from the lady of the house.

It tastes so much better than any dead mouse.

And so, she tries to figure out a way.

To get closer and still keep me at bay.
She is like a child that has been abused.

She wants the love but is sure she will lose.

And yet she tries in her wounded way.

To swerve and walk in front trying to convey.

That she likes me a lot but is afraid to trust.

So, she continues to hiss because it is hard to adjust.

She knows not how to behave but continues to try.

She keeps trying to see if I am really an ally.

I know that I have to let her figure it all out.

I cannot reach for her because she carries fear and doubt.

There will be a moment when she will finally know.

That what was her past needs to be let go.

Some can find that place of peace.

Some find it hard to let the behaviors cease.

I have no option but to let it be in her own time.

After all she comes early in the morning for mealtime.

And then she is gone to hopefully sleep the day away.

With a full tummy and no worries for that one day.

~Suzanne Wagner~




Take a moment to have a small chat with yourself. Talking through issues can be the beginning of getting to the deeper places where we have been concerned.

We have to recognize the issues before we can begin to heal them. We are all learning to set the ego aside and move from those places of authenticity rather than fear.

But first we need to open our minds and hearts to ourselves. If we cannot see who we are deeply inside, then others will also struggle to see past our wounding and into the beautiful essence that exists in the pure light of truth.

When we can hold the truth within as a sacred vessel, then we can let that light can shine out and grow. When we do not see that sacred self inside, then the world will struggle to figure out how to get past our damage, our defenses, and our patterns of avoidance. And those patterns of avoidance are designed to deflect others and ourselves from knowing what is truly in our heart.

That is why the defenses we hold, and carry were made by us. That means that they have to be taken down also … by us. Otherwise, no one will ever make it past the demons and dragons that are defending and protecting our inner sacred self.
We have to either remove the defenses that keep us separate or we have to walk out of the protected tower alone.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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