Where do the clouds go after they drop all their rain?
Do they disappear and evaporate over the dry plain?
I appreciate that I am on the wet side of the hill.
I love to watch the storms and the budding daffodil.
Within the cosmos we exist in a beautiful place.
One that is alive with a loving embrace.
While tomorrow we may not be here perhaps something will remain.
Perhaps we will learn to work with nature so that we can retain.
Those small and special things that are vulnerable to loss.
Losing some things seems to be too terrible of a cost.
There are those that will try to light the way.
There are those that will refuse to sway.
But when enough will turn towards what is good.
That is when we can all become a Robin Hood.
When we resist evil and feed the poor.
We learn that creation is a type of amour.
We hold the secrets to the creation of powerful things.
We just need to learn to let go of the strings.
~Suzanne Wagner~
My Blog today is free-form on my YouTube Channel.
~Suzanne Wagner~