May 15, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 5/16/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: May 15, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Ego is a monster that wants to be free.

Free to embrace its destructive tendency.

Ego cares not if its demands will sustain us through.
It wants to be seen for what it can do.
What we believe we are … is often never really the case.

What we strive for and what we intend to chase.

Will never get us the happiness that we seek.

Getting what we want … only makes us weak.
That is why we are now in this moment in time.

To see that we are here to witness a great crime.

But that crime has been happening deep inside us.

The conflicts that rage within need to be discussed.

Not with another but with all the parts of you.

We cannot go farther until these places get their due.

It is time to listen to the battles that rage inside.

We can no longer delay and there is nowhere to hide.

It is up to us to claim what has been lost.

Without those parts the emotional ocean cannot be crossed.

Another life waits for us on the other side.

One that is more balanced. That one that the ego denied.

~Suzanne Wagner~


Today, exposes the lies that we tell ourselves. Eclipses reveal what has been hidden from view.
In this case, the emotional issues (Scorpio) that we have spent our life running from are more obvious than ever.

Jupiter tries to remind us, where we already are amazing. It shows us that it is time to stop putting Band-Aids on our deepest wounds. It is time to grow up and to stop waiting.

The eclipses ask us to seek only what is true from deep within our core.
We are waking up to our self-imposed illusions that what we wanted to believe were there … were not really there.
Nor was it ever there.
Just because we want to believe something … does not mean that that belief can make it real.
While we want unrealistic promises to be kept, it is us that kept lying to ourselves. There is going to be no-one and nothing that is going to save us from the raw truth of this moment.

There is a reason that each of us is here, right now, on this planet … at this time. This moment is trying to get us back on course with the truth of who we are.
Doors are opening, but they do not lead back to the old self, the old ego patterns, or the old ways that we felt fulfilled.

How wide those doors open and how easily we can get through that door is up to our willingness to step up and into what is presenting.

For some of us, the door is open enough to give us a glimmer as to what we could manifest with the changes the universe is demanding.
For others the door is open but not wide enough to get through and there is a barrier blocking that door from fully opening and allowing us in.
What is that block?
Is it another manifestation of ego, or is it that we need to use more determination and push through to fully claim what is rightfully ours?

So much good is trying to happen with this eclipse but it is forcing us to face a deeply fearful place … inside.

We are asked to walk towards our own truth instead of the lies we have been telling ourselves.
Notice what we keep trying to be … that is no longer true. We can see that the universe has been unraveling our ego patterns for a while now and it is clear that we are to become something else.
No matter what, do not give your shadow side more energy. Those that continue to listen to the darker side of their nature will fall into old patterns of control and manipulation.
We are learning to look at our life from a broader point of view. And that is very difficult with this Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. But we need to create distance from our old patterns. And face a tremendously difficult choice … because we have to let go.
We must face what is truly happening. There are no more excuses.
We live in a world where there is a mass psychosis happening and some deal with it by avoidance and playing their computer games and gapping out with drugs and alcohol.

They are using a form of attachment to playing out the old stories waiting for that dream that will never happen. That generates a type of depression, anxiety, and anger.
There is an amazing story trying to happen.

First, we need to recognize that we fell under the spell of others, the spell of our own ego, the spell of our own shadow, and the spell of wanting everything handed to us without effort.

What is clear is that now a tremendous effort will be required.

The levels of manipulation are startling and painful to recognize.
And you are not alone.
Everyone is going through this with you.
It is not just you.
It is everyone.
This is a type of global astrology that is unparalleled from any standard or method previously experienced.

When we forgive ourselves for falling for the manipulations then we can forgive others because they believed what they were saying and doing those actions from also being enchanted by a dream of delusion.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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