Weddings in the springtime give us great hope.
The flowers blossom as our eyes take in the scope.
The width of life that continues on.
Is better than any moment or song.
We are connected to the birds and the bees.
We seek the shade in love and under trees.
May everyone find that special moment to share.
And be holding hands together in their rocking chair.
After all, life is precious, and we never know how long we have in time.
We will not forever be beautiful or in our prime.
But when we have each other, the love carries us through.
We will always be beautiful to the one that was always true.
We share more than our heart and soul.
We share our journey to make our heart whole.
~Suzanne Wagner~
I am off to a friend’s wedding. It gives me a chance to do a road trip and celebrate two people whose lives are joining together.
Walking a path with another is a wonderful thing. Making commitments that can stand the tests of time, give us hope for a better future. After all, being able to face the challenges together is less stressful and more fulfilling.
We are designed to be communal beings and finding tribe and family is important in a world going topsy-turvy.
I love to celebrate those things that are good and show the promises of hopeful co-existence.
May everyone find the love that aligns with them and that will give solace and comfort.
May we all celebrate those special moments of love and have them give us joy in times of future stress as we remember those times fondly.
~Suzanne Wagner~