June 6, 2022

Suzanne’s Personal Quote and Blog for 6/7/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 6, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology


The garden expands and the colors increase.

Lushness explodes and the vegetables refuse to cease.
Gardens are a haven for young and old.

Gardens are where man helps nature gain a foothold.

Within their confines … an oasis emerges.

They heal our heart and allow for emotional purges.

The gardens that we create.

Open much more than just a gate.

It shows us the beauty that tries to shine.

It helps us to connect to nature and realign.

Within my heart there is a love that now shows.

That very few have seen and where I have secrets to disclose.
Walking in a garden is a journey to discover.
Those places that need some time so that we can recover.

~Suzanne Wagner~


We got over an inch and a half in the last 24 hours. We never get rain in June (that I can remember), in this area of northern California. And while most areas of California are in a bad drought, at least here we are maintaining. But now the grass is going to explode and give fuel to burn later in the dry season.

So, after we finish up the deck either today or tomorrow, my husband is going to mow the grass with the lawn tractor (as it is best to get the grass down now before the grass gets too tall).

In redoing the deck, we also found 3 leaks in the hot tub which are now fixed.
And we are going to put some metal mesh under a part of the deck because too often a skunk likes to hang out in the far corner and the smell ends up in my office.
So, while the deck is open, we are going to put in some mesh to not allow them into that area of the deck to be reached by critters.
I am getting more flowers in today, and I have the last of the vegetables in the proper places.

I am going to dig a big hole for the Beebalm plant. It will get 6 feet tall, and I need some more dirt and compost, but it should be done also by the end of the day.

I am learning so much about self-sufficiency and keeping all the watering systems to the proper amounts so that things are not overwatered in a drought.

May everyone discover and uncover their inner garden and cultivate and love it into being.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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