June 7, 2022

Numerology/Astrology for 6/8/2022

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: June 7, 2022Categories: Astrology/Numerology

Numerology/Astrology for 6/8/2022

6/8/2022 is the number 20.

6 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 20.

Then we can add the 2 + 0 to get the number 2.

The Number 2 shows us the duality that still exists in our world. When we learn to embrace both sides of our nature and recognize that life in this domain is a synthesis of the light and the dark, the powerful and weak parts of ourselves.

I wonder if … when we sleep, we become the angels to those in other parts of the world. I wonder if our angelic side is a part of our unconscious self that stays hidden because of the dominance of our human condition.

It helps me remember to listen … not just to the part of myself that have been wounded and damaged by the physical world but to also remember that there are other parts within that are wiser, kinder, and more compassionate to others than I can manage to express from my human condition at times.

I understand that it is my job to learn how to get both to coexist in my being and to be aware that both live and breathe within me.

When I learn to listen with my whole being, then my choices hopefully will cause less suffering and more compassionate concern.

~Suzanne Wagner~

Astrology for Today

The Moon supports all those pesky projects that are in a fast pace to get finished. If one is aligned properly with this flow, the potential to feel very accomplished by the end of today is high.

While the Moon will shift out of detailed Virgo around mid-morning, and go into Libra, we may notice that the camaraderie will seem more fun, and the laughter seems to be manifesting a few smiles of the faces of others.
Socially the cues are to remember that others matter and to compliment when they are doing a good job.
That is always helpful when it feels that together we can manage to do things that make a difference and that we are appreciated.

Jupiter will oppose the Moon later this evening. Know that that good energy of today can make us want to over-commit.
That is not recommended!
Be careful before leaping into an activity. Things may take more time than we can offer or commit to.
We don’t want others to depend on us when we are possibly not able to fully engage for a long period of time.
We don’t want to let others down. It seems that the resources are not quite lined up and while we have that sense that we want to help, there are some big decisions coming and we need to be careful, watch our own energy levels, and make sure our own family comes first.  

~Suzanne Wagner~


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