Let one embrace his own truth and devote himself to its fulfillment.
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
You are the most amazing story in your reality. You hold the keys to your greatest mystery. You are the hero to your own story. Right now you have overcome so much in your life. Right now you have grown in ways that you have forgotten. Take a look backwards for a moment and let the truth of your amazing life seep into your awareness and give yourself love as to all the challenges you have faced and all the situations you have managed to overcome. Look at how many wounds your have healed and how much your heart has been broken open into this love that you now more fully embody and express. Then honestly look at where you are still healing, where you are still holding on to a pain or wound, and remind yourself that you can heal right now. You can forgive and let it go right now. You can continue this journey to be a fuller expression of love and light today. Let go. Let all the suffering go. Let all the expectations go. Let the future go. Just be in this moment and allow something even more wonderful to express in this perfect Now!
~Suzanne Wagner~
Refreshing our Hearts with Tich Nhat Hanh