August 30, 2023


About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: August 30, 2023Categories: Blog Daily, Intuitive Patterns Monthly



Aleister Crowley Tarot: Gain, Prudence, The Tower, Emperor
Words of Truth: Exhaustion, Change, Intention, Spirit
Mayan Oracle: Adventurer’s Quest, Men, Rhythm
Medicine Cards: Wolf, Lynx, Lizard
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Prince of Cups, Five of Cups, Six of Disks
Osho Zen Tarot: Control, Turning in, Mind
Healing Earth Tarot: Four of Feathers, Empress, Seven of Rainbows

We feel the turning of the seasons but for many of us there is still a lot to be concerned about. With the Tower card rearing its head, I am concerned for the fire season that is clearly challenging many in the northwest and Canada. But we are also feeling into the hurricane season, and I send much protection to all those in those zones that are at risk. With climate change, what used to be predictable now seems wilder and more random. So those that are in certain places … need to error on the side of caution. Seems that much is going to happen that can be costly with certain disk cards asking us to hold out our hands and ask for help from others.
But there is power in finding and connecting to our community and our pack. With the wolf card center stage, we have those around us that can help and protect if we are willing to work together. The wolf within each of us is the pathfinder. It helps us remember that family matters and that loyalty is in our blood when we remember that all life can become an ally if we are willing to share new ideas with others and allow the wisdom and teaching that they have acquired to help us along our path.
We are being called to have willingness and courage as we face an unpredictable world that continues to show us that we really don’t have the control that we think.
There is a rhythm and a rhyme to the chaos if one is willing to listen with one’s heart and not the mind.
The mind will pull us into hopelessness if we let it and that is why listening with our right brain rather than our left brain is advised this month.
Dreams are to be listened to and know that the obvious is less powerful than the undercurrents that give life and substance to instinct.
This month, many may feel as if we are inside a tornado. But we can still see light if we look up and into the storm.
This month can feel very exhausting, but it can also show us that when we have the intention to change, then the universe will give us the energy we need to find the path of least resistance.
This month, find the answers in the silence. Find the answers in the dances that twirl and flow like the winds. Realize that the gains can be gotten if we are less interested in financial reward and instead move towards what gives us joy in each moment.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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