March 12, 2016


About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 12, 2016Categories: Intuitive Patterns Daily


Osho Zen Tarot: New Vision, Totality, Letting Go
Medicine Cards: Blank Shield, Snake
Mayan Oracle: Harmonic Resonance, Eb
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Ten of Swords, The Fool
Aleister Crowley Deck: The Hanged Man, Victory, Knight of Swords
Healing Earth Tarot: Seven of Shields, Grandmother of Shields, Woman of Wands
Words of Truth: Responsibility, Competition, Psychological Assessment

We have made it through the month of March and the month of the eclipses. Whew! Aren’t we glad that is over with for a moment? However, as the famous phrase says, “It’s not over till it’s over.”

Looking at this month I will say the last half will probably move at a slower pace which is caused by Mars going retrograde on the 17th but as the month moves along you will feel yourself getting more and more comfortable with a different pace that allows for a real life rather than all that stress and rushing that is pressing you forward earlier in the month.

We are dealing with the second Mercury Retrograde in an earth sign (out of four) this year. It starts April 28 and goes through May 22. This one attempts to ground us into our normal daily routines that help our health and sleep. Don’t stress if you need more sleep than normal and pay special attention to your dreams as they might be giving you some great insights, ideas, and new ways to address your world.

The cards this month reflect the conflict and strong opinions that are waving around in your life and clearly will be reflected in the political drama still unfolding. There is a strong sense of competition and a grappling with the perceptions and psychological understandings that are prompting a great sense of duty and responsibility. Sorting out truth from fiction and our illusions from the manipulations of the media, to finally come to a place of certainty, is a difficult challenge.

Everything feels a bit like a circus where you know you have to let go of one thing in order to grab a new thing. And yet, it feels scary, uncertain, and a bit frightening. It is time to let go of the opinions that have been holding us in a place where we feel trapped by the circumstances and angry about it.

This month gives us just enough stagnation to fire up that gumption in the belly that says, “I am just not going to take it anymore”.

The patterns this month reflect that the majority of humanity is very tired of the abundance being only for the few and that the many are still suffering and struggling after years of penny-pinching and trying to pay the piper. That in of itself is a real win. We have to be fed up with the present to change the future. I wish movement did not have to always follow discomfort but that is how this planet seems to work.

The question is whether in our rush for change we let snakes into that basket of fruit or if we are finally willing to look and deal with our own dark tendencies and allow the wisdom of those shadow parts to give us greater insight and awareness as we move forward. Just remember that when you don’t own your own dysfunctional parts you will be attracted to people who will externally become those for you. It is always better to deal with your internal selves before choosing short cuts and others who we think can do the job for us. Life and karma is about taking responsibility for your choices and to learn from them.

Keep an overview on all things and try to see how your choices have long-term consequences. You may or may not like the end result regardless of how good it looks on the surface right now. You are going to feel fired up and passionate this month so let that express itself in this highest ways that serve others not just yourself.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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