April 12, 2017

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of February 2017

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 12, 2017Categories: Intuitive Patterns Daily

Osho Zen Tarot: Moment to Moment, The Outsider, Ripeness
Medicine Cards: Dog, Buffalo, Opossum
Mayan Oracle: Complex Stability, Kan, Mystical Power
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Six of Disks, Eight of Disks, Two of Disks
Aleister Crowley Deck: Success, Failure, Futility
Healing Earth Tarot: Six of Pipes, Mon of Pipes, Eight of Feathers
Words of Truth: Multidimensional, Release, Fantasy Bond

Are any of us ready for this month of February? Well, here we go…ready or not!

February is a month where many will feel helpless and lost in the Neptunian waters of the unseen world. Be aware that your fear of the unknown can add to the collective wave of emotional drama and drag you into the feelings of overwhelm and anxiety if you are not careful.

This is a month where you have to rely on your trust and faith in the universe that regardless of your feelings of loss of material security and control that you are not a victim in these circumstances. This is a month when you rediscover your own sense of inner security and learn to depend not on the outer material world to define you but your inner soul essence. Don’t get me wrong there are going to be a multitude of reflections of dysfunctional behaviors, addictive tendencies, and others that are falling into victimhood. But you do not have to be one of them.

We start out with a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo on February 10/11. Leo is the performer and it wants to be recognized and appreciated. But fire and water (lunar) together are going to challenge you to figure out how to get that fire burning inside again when so much emotional water has been flowing in your life. How can you find what inspires you and rekindle your passion for life?

On February 26th there is a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces asking each of you to find some way to come back to a “Cosmic Oneness”. Your perception is being carefully inspected and analyzed. You are asked to really work on opening your third eye and see beyond the obvious and external world and into the energy and the matrix of the subtle realms of your unconscious self which is attempting to awaken you to a mystical opening that is designed to inspire you forward in very new ways.

Unfortunately this eclipse is dissolving logic and reason into the timeless regions of the dream. As your ego dissolves away expect to feel lost and confused. Be aware that in such moments you are vulnerable to being manipulated by more powerful people than yourself. It is essential this month to stay as grounded as possible as the huge energy waves of change continue to tear at the old shoreline of your reality breaking it down and shaping it into a new pattern that will ultimately give you many new things to explore. This is happening to help you understand the interconnectedness of all life (and your part in that life) in a much deeper way than you ever expected or noticed. These waves of change are hugely transformative and know that some will fall into victimization and martyrdom. It is normal to feel helpless when you are in waters of an unseen and uncharted world. Do not despair.

This is a month where your best friend is going to be a great psychic, astrologer, healer, massage therapist, acupuncturist, etc. The healers in the metaphysical arts are there to help you keep your energy strong and your anxiety to a minimum.

If you are an artist you might find that this month you find a type of inner “muse” awaken and move you in some very new directions where your creativity can be expressed.

This is a month when you stop waiting for the perfect moment to open. It is just time to open. You may not feel ready but some part of you will have to take that leap and let yourself be propelled into a very new creation.

You may feel as if you are often the “Outsider” in someone else’s game. But that can be the motivation that will allow you to stay fully present in the moment. Each moment holds a key to the next direction you are supposed to take. You will not be given all the pieces of the puzzle in one moment. This is the beginning of a powerful spiritual “Treasure Hunt”.

It is important to surround yourself with those you consider the most “loyal” and sincere for your journey. Such moments are difficult enough so it is not a good idea to have in your space those that will tear you down or be unsupportive in this amazing time of transition.

There is sacredness in such powerful moments when you may not know what is going to happen but you do know that this moment is unlike any moment you have ever experienced. You will find that you will feel that there are moments to hide and protect yourself and your dream and other moments when you feel safe to bring it out into the world. Know that this month is not about the money. It is about something bigger than that. It is about giving your heart and love because it is the right thing to do. You have a mystical power that is attempting to awaken and shine out into the world. And even though the world is going to be very complicated it is still time to open into this unknown world.

Yes, there will be fear. Yes, you will wobble and feel unsure and unstable in this creation. And yes, the old dream was shot out of the sky. But you can create a new dream and perhaps that old dream was simply a vehicle to get you to another place and to see another ….. better….. choice.

It is time to let the old dream go. It is time to see the fantasy for what it really was ….an illusion. It is time to get down and do what needs to get done. It is going to be a lot of work. But it is best to practice starting the commitment to that work in February because when Saturn goes into Capricorn Dec 2017, things are going to be harder and more serious. Saturn in Capricorn will reward only those who are willing to do the work. Saturn in Capricorn rewards those who are willing to get their hands dirty. So now is the time to set your intention in the direction that is clearly being pointed out by the universe. And that direction indicates that you have to depend on yourself and those closest to you. You have to be the human angel listening to the highest angelic waves of love and truth that are going to coax you into helping others with a more powerful compassion and generosity than you have ever done yet in this life.

That is how we are going to get through this year. That is how we are going to get to the next level of this evolution of humanity. Each person holds a key to that potential. Take this month to begin to learn what your personal gifts and talents can contribute to this matrix. I know you have more to offer and give that you presently recognize.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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