Suzanne’s Blogs
Numerology for 3/1/2023
Numerology for 3/1/2023 3/1/2023 is the number 11 3 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 11 1 + 1 = 2 This number [...]
Astrology for 2/28/2023
Astrology for 2/28/2023 The Moon in Gemini is stimulating and engaging on interesting levels that expand our current awareness. This evening we move into a Cancer Moon that allows [...]
Numerology for 2/28/2023
Numerology for 2/28/2023 2/28/2023 is the number 19 2 + 2 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 19 1 + 9 = 10 [...]
Astrology for 2/27/2023
Astrology for 2/27/2023 The Moon in Gemini stimulates our curious nature that reminds us of the wonders that are just outside our current level of awareness. We seek to [...]
Numerology for 2/27/2023
Numerology for 2/27/2023 2/27/2023 is the number 18 2 + 2 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 18 1 + 8 = 9 [...]
Astrology for 2/26/2023
Astrology for 2/26/2023 The Moon goes into Gemini this morning, and the transition can feel like an opening for us. The heaviness lightens, and the mind expands into new [...]
Numerology for 2/26/2023
Numerology for 2/26/2023 2/26/2023 is the number 17 2 + 2 + 6 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 17 1 + 7 = 8 [...]
Astrology for 2/25/2023
Astrology for 2/25/2023 The Moon in Taurus prepares to shift into Gemini this morning. Are you ready? Better be! There is so much that will change shortly. Yes, I [...]
Numerology for 2/25/2023
Numerology for 2/25/2023 2/25/2023 is the number 16 2 + 2 + 5 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 16 1 + 6 = 7 [...]
Astrology for 2/24/2023
Astrology for 2/24/2023 The Moon will shift out of Aries into Taurus very early in the morning. Actions now seem more deliberate and determined. We seek the familiar and [...]
Numerology for 2/24/2023
Numerology for 2/24/2023 2/24/2023 is the number 15 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 15 1 + 5 = 6 [...]
Astrology for 2/23/2023
Astrology for 2/23/2023 The Moon is in enterprising Aries today and we are leaping into new spaces and places. The confidence rises and we have the tools in [...]
Numerology for 2/23/2023
Numerology for 2/23/2023 2/23/2023 is the number 14 2 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 14 1 + 4 = 5 [...]
Astrology for 2/22/2023
Astrology for 2/22/2023 The Moon shifts into Aries and all is not well. Powerful forces are now deciding to bump into each other with Mars and Mercury jousting incessantly. [...]
Numerology for 2/22/2023
Numerology for 2/22/2023 2/22/2023 is the number 13 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 13 1 + 3 = 4 [...]
Astrology for 2/21/2023
Astrology for 2/21/2023 The Moon in Pisces calls to us to go with the flow. We learn to accept and forgive in new ways and remember that in the [...]
Numerology for 2/21/2023
Numerology for 2/21/2023 2/21/2023 is the number 12 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 12 1 + 2 = 3 [...]
Astrology for 2/20/2023
Astrology for 2/20/2023 We have a New Moon early this morning. Perfect for a ritual to begin a new cycle in your life. Light an intention candle and put [...]
Numerology for 2/20/2023
Numerology for 2/20/2023 2/20/2023 is the number 11. 2 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 11. The Number 11 opens our [...]
Astrology for 2/19/2023
Astrology for 2/19/2023 The Sun has shifted out of Aquarius and into Pisces allowing a deeper understanding of what is unfolding and now today, the Moon will do the [...]
Numerology for 2/19/2023
Numerology for 2/19/2023 2/19/2023 is the number 19. 2 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 19. 1 + 9 = 10 or [...]
Numerology for 2/18/2023
Numerology for 2/18/2023 2/18/2023 is the number 18. 2 + 1 + 8 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 3 = 18. 1 + 8 = 9 [...]
Astrology for 2/18/2023
Astrology for 2/18/2023 Today, the Sun begins its movement into Pisces and out of the sign of Aquarius. Feelings seem more important than ever. We want peace to reign [...]
Astrology for 2/17/2023
Astrology for 2/17/2023 The Moon in Capricorn seems to demand a more centered and conscious place to move from. It is time to get real and deal with the [...]