April 17, 2024

Numerology for 4/17/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: April 17, 2024Categories: Numerology Daily

Numerology for 4/17/2024

4/17/2024 is the number 20
4 + 1 + 6=7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 4 = 20
2 + 0 = 2

Today, the number 2 can make us overthink and overreact. So that is why today, train your mind to look for the higher overview before trying to analyze a response. When we see things from a higher vantage point, then often we do not need to rush as we see how long it will take for something to really manifest.
Ego’s need to push to create others to jump but those with a more evolved soul, recognizes that demanding outcomes that are unattainable in the prescribed time, only make workers miserable, feel unappreciated and eventually they will quit.
This day is a warning to businesses and corporate structures to realize that the old patterns of marketing and quotas are not going to work for much longer.
Those that generate plans that have no concern for employees and workers are not going to get the results of the past.
Humanity is being asked to see from a longer vantage point and to look into the future and analyze what such patterns create.
Short term gains that generate long term problems, only create the word going out that this company is a terrible employer will end up affecting the bottom line even more negatively.
People are in the mood to support companies that are trying to do things differently and correctly for their workers and our world. We are moving into less thinking and more feeling into what types of things are worth our energy.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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