May 8, 2023

Poem – Invoking the Goddess of the Air and the May Pole Dance

Poem – Invoking the Goddess of the Air and the May Pole Dance


Goddess of the Air, with wings unfurled,

Weaving breezes that traverse the world.

Invisible currents, whispers in flight,

You bless us with freedom, and every delight.


At the May Pole, we gather and spin,

Celebrating the dance that you begin.

Ribbons and laughter adorn the air,

As we honor your presence, so light and fair.


Your breath is a gentle sigh upon our skin,

Carrying the songs that stir from deep within.

In every gust, we feel the touch of your grace,

Filling our lungs, you enliven every space.


Oh, Goddess of Air, on this joyous day,

We twirl and we dance, in your sacred way.

Around the May Pole, our spirits entwine,

As we honor the beauty that is truly divine.


With each step we take, our burdens are shed,

In the embrace of your breeze, blessings are spread.

You guide us to freedom, to liberation’s call,

Granting us courage to rise and stand tall.


As the ribbons intertwine, and the colors unite,

Inside of us we become love’s purest light.

In this sacred union, we find harmony’s bliss,

Embracing all of us with your sacred kiss.


Goddess of the Air, we honor your might,

In the swirling winds, and in our soaring flight.

Through your boundless skies, we find inspiration,

You allow us to dream, explore, to embrace transformation.


On this May Day, we celebrate your power to excite,

With joyful hearts, we dance to become our human delight.

Goddess of the Air, we offer our praise,

For your breath of life, in all its magical ways.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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