The Divine Feminine rising up.
She rises up with the light of the morning sun.
She turns and faces the destructive forces
that would stop her.
She smiles at those that threaten her,
Because she is not afraid.
She is connected to all that is life and death.
She is one with the forces of nature
that course through life and her own body.
She already is that storm
that they pretend to terrorize her with.
She is the fury of nature awakening,
here to slap down the egos of humanity
that believe that they are so special.
She has the final say over who lives and dies.
To her, those that do not respect the whole
do not deserve a place here in this life.
She knows they are a cancer that feeds
upon its own host until they destroy
that which they believe is their power.
She stands strong.
She knows what is true.
She knows the laws of this world.
And they are not human laws.
The tablets of their egos
will crumble over time.
And she will still be standing.
Those that stand with her
will enjoy a type of rebirth.
The type that shows
the way towards growth
that serves all rather than a few.
You know now where you stand.
You know now what to do.
You are being called to awaken
and join the forces of nature and life.
You can stand in your ego,
separate and holding
an impossible line.
Or you can find the
wholeness that you crave.
It matters not to her.
It matters greatly to you.
You cannot fight what
you refuse to learn from.
You cannot win if you
only see through your eyes.
~Suzanne Wagner~