November 21, 2021

Intuitive Patterns for the Month of December 2021

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: November 21, 2021Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Intuitive Patterns Daily



Osho Zen Tarot: Slowing Down, Harmony, The Miser

Medicine Cards: Deer, Snake, Dog

Mayan Oracle: Chuen, Transformer, Akbal

Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Nine of Cups, Prince of Cups, Seven of Disks

Aleister Crowley Deck: Princess of Wands, The Magus, Knight of Cups

Healing Earth Tarot: Two of Shields, Hanged One, Five of Pipes

Words of Truth: Self Importance, Feeling, Gratitude

The cards are swinging back and forth. The image is of a woman on a canoe in the rapids. To stay afloat in a canoe (which is designed for flatwater) takes great skill and courage. Balancing extreme forces that are pulling from both sides is not fun nor will it be easy.

This month there is the connection of family. We are yearning for the love that such spaces give us in the area of security and comfort.
But there are also great losses as we continue to let go of things from the past that have been dead for a very long time. And for others, it is about remembering all that we have lost in the past 2 years of this Covid Epidemic.

Many have died and many have left the planet for a variety of other reasons. Every family has been touched in some way or another. Some are dealing with the long-term effects of Covid and continue to suffer silently and they deserve our utmost compassion and concern.

We are living in a world where the strain of this pandemic has caused escalating mental health problems and concerns. Everyone has had something that has shown up that they were not expecting or that they did not anticipate.
We have been battling many storms for way too long, and the exhaustion has taken a toll on our energy.
We need to get to a safe place to regroup and rest.

All play needs to be the sort that allows us to drop into the abyss of our deepest self and find the joy in connecting with those that want to transform and grow with us.

Money feels tight for unknown reasons. It is as if there is something we can feel coming towards us in the future that is just out of sight and we cannot discern exactly what that might look like in the long run.
We have a strong desire to prepare for that unknown, just in case. Notice if you want to pay bills off and put something away for a rainy day.

Slowing down is a calling not to be ignored, and in the quiet space, we are seeking to reclaim that inner peace that has been so difficult to find.

Allow the loyalty to our spiritual family to be the guide through the pit of vipers that seem everywhere. Trust that there is a pathway through that will present itself when we get to what looks like a dead end.
That seeming dead end is the limitation that our mind imposed upon those things that are unfamiliar and new. Know that we may need to break down that wall to get to this new reality that we are seeking.
Notice if self-importance tries to dominate a conversation and learn to be more quiet and observe. Listen with your body and feel into what is happening with others. Sometimes people need empty spaces to express what is boiling up inside. Don’t cut others off. Don’t get impatient when another is speaking.

Learn to be in the expansive spaces of gratitude and know that staying positive attracts molecules of divinity to you. Take the time this month to be a collector and vessel for as many of those particles as possible. Once you learn to hold enough of them, magic happens, joy flows, and patience is easy.

December is a month of healing that supports us in being more awake and more in the flow. That is because there is finally not enough energy to resist the currents that are carrying us into an unknown future.

~Suzanne Wagner~


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