December 18, 2018


About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 18, 2018Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Intuitive Patterns Daily


Osho Zen Tarot:  The Creator, Friendliness, Awareness
Medicine Cards: Dog, Rabbit, Buffalo
Mayan Oracle: Complex Stability, Shadow, Greater Cycles
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Ten of Swords, Death, Strength
Aleister Crowley Deck: Peace, Knight of Disks, The Priestess
Healing Earth Tarot: Shaman, Grandmother of Pipes, Grandfather of Shields
Words of Truth: Intention, Core Movement, Individuation, Safety, Incompletion


As we enter into the odd year of 2019, I wanted to start with the Numerology for this year. When you add it all together you get the number 12. When you add the 1 + 2 = 3. This is a year that will feel like a Mr. Mouse’s Wild Ride. Therefore, buckle-up Buttercups and hang on because this is a year for the unexpected. If you wanted change you are going to get it in spades.
While the intensity of this year is obvious, it also comes with a dose of deep insecurity and self-doubt. Look to what is personally happening in your life to get a closer understanding of what you have either been dealing with or avoiding. Since you are on a wild ride, you will not be able to shut yourself off from very difficult moments. Still, don’t fixate on them either. This is a year where circumstance that have been hiding in shadows are fully illuminated. Only when you can see what is lurking where you did not want to look can you invite a new way to see things and solve current problems.

This is a bold year and things are going to change rapidly so you have to move in the moment with each new piece of additional information. That is a very positive thought in my book.
Know that regardless of how prepared you think you are, you aren’t. And rather than beat yourself up for not seeing something coming, know that you are going to have to spontaneously respond in each authentic moment.
In the Chinese New Year, we are going into the Female Earth Pig. Which is all about farmland and flooding. You can already see the focus that our farming areas are feeling the pinch at this moment. And with all the weather changes I expect flooding, storms, tornados, and hurricanes. Big ones. Bigger than anything we have ever seen. The weather is definitely going to be telling us how Mother Earth feels about our choices and past patterns. I think doing a ceremony for the earth as part of a New Year’s ritual is a very good idea. You want the Divine Mother Earth on your side. Acknowledging her and giving offerings to the earth and her children is a great way to start.
The astrology continues to dig us deeper and deeper into a hole on many levels and because of that the consequences are going to feel uncomfortable. As we continue to move towards the conjunction between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn it will be important to keep a calm head and know who you are. That sounds easy, but it is very difficult when things start breaking down. The old world is no longer applicable to this time in which we find ourselves and those that attempt to hold us back from change are going to find out that they are on the wrong side of history and consciousness.

Saturn in Capricorn forces us to take full responsibility for our actions. Situations in which you find yourself will have to be met with a contrition and acceptance that has been sorely lacking, of late.
Pluto in Capricorn shows us our karmic debt completely in our face. Take a good look at your life. What is happening is because of your karmic journey to awakening. Even bad things show you the truth if you are willing to surrender up your old ways and beliefs. Change is hard for everyone and this year perhaps more so than others. But when you know deep down that you decided to come to this planet at this time to help to co-create a new world, then all the choices seem to be perfect.
You cannot find compassion without loss.
You cannot find your magic if you are not on your knees in failure.
You cannot find out how to love if you hold yourself back from showing all of who you really are.
Humanness is not a punishment.
Humanness is a strength that is built thought trial and error. Without the opportunity to make mistakes we cannot discover the great depth of emotional expression that this life offers.
The cards indicate that the veil of illusion is burning away. At times rather peacefully and at other times quite aggressively. Know that connecting to those you love and finding that connection to love regardless of another’s choices, words, and actions is going to be tested.
You may feel like a dog that loves even when someone’s actions make them unworthy. But nature shows us again and again about acceptance and forgiveness. Animals teach us that.
The Rabbit shows that some of you might freeze in fear, while others want to run for their life and hide in a hole. I would suggest not letting fear control your actions. Know that fear is your friend if you do not believe that is has total control over you. You can harness the energy of fear and become highly productive if you want.
The Buffalo reminds us that regardless there is something very sacred happening in the world. Great change demands greatness within your heart and it requires you to put fear aside and move into the sacredness of the moment.
My suggestion is to start the year with many prayers, offerings, blessings, and meditations to set the core center within your being in the highest vibration possible. That is because the forces being unleashed are going to try to take your confidence completely down.
Don’t let it.
Shadow and light are fighting for control. It looked like shadow was winning but now it is a return of the light and the fight is on. It makes situations in the world complicated and uncertain. But know that while you have to fight for the light, you cannot ignore the shadow. When you are at peace you cannot be tempted by the shadowy energy that lurks in the hearts of some.
Set your intention for this year. Choose to stay awake and support the safety and security of others.

The main concern I have with the cards for this upcoming year are that the 10 of Swords says that there are robbers in the treasury and that there will be huge financial losses this year for many. Protect what you have and work hard at your jobs. You want to be indispensable. There is also the Death card and that say that many things will have to be let go of. That is why you must source from your own center. Others will need your smile and heart. Give where you can and know that nature is also going to be calling to us to change drastically.
I will be doing an Astrological Prediction for 2019. Check out my blogs and facebook posts for the latest.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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