Osho Zen Tarot: Experiencing, Morality, The Master
Medicine Cards: Antelope, Moose
Mayan Oracle: Etznab, Unity, Transformer
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Ten of Wands, Five of Disks, Prince of Wands
Aleister Crowley Deck: Ace of Disks, Abundance, Luxury
Healing Earth Tarot: Ten of Feathers, Grandmother of Feathers, Ace of Shields
Words of Truth: Guilt, Breathing, Telepathic Agreement, Multi-Dimensional, Death
It seems that September is the beginning point for some breakdown. I am assuming this is global because of the astrology but these things also impact personally. Take a look at what you need to go deep about and stay awake to an external world that is going to behave differently than you anticipated.
I am sure that is not what you wanted to hear but from this point on the astrology is plunging us into the conjunction coming between Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn in January 2020. And the cards this month reflect a shift in the energy.
Let’s start with the Ace of Disks in the Aleister Crowley Tarot. This card is a coin with the inscription, “To Meta Ohpion”, which means, “The Great Beast”. It is a warning that the elements of attachment, power, greed, and sex have manifested something dark. This energy will attempt to pull us away from the areas of love and acceptance and pull us into the ego that is driven by a mind that wants ownership and power. It is an indication that something dark lurks in the shadows of the self. And that energy is now and on the move. As that darkness moves through the physical plane there will be a cost and a consequence. The way through is not denial but about staying awake and centered within the deep core values of life, humanity, family, country, and community. The past choices will now require great strength, determination, and focus to move through as gracefully as is possible. My intention this month is to take this time to open and move with clarity, choice, and acceptance.
The Luxury card indicates that emotions are confused and clouded. The time of abundance is at an end because there is no healthy reciprocating going on. Energy goes in but less and less is returned. Those in money and power are keeping the bulk of the luxurious things and giving not enough back. The selfish and unstable are in control. Turning the feminine energies into the darker side of reality.
The 10 of Wands shows overwhelming oppression and difficulties. Resources are spread too thin and victimization and persecution have gotten out of control. The problems are causing systems to breaking down, fear and guilt become the fuel for a death process. What that will look like is deeply personal and based on what you have learned in this and other lifetimes.
With the 5 of Disks, money, loss of income, and changes in status break down existing systems even further. Problems will be on the material plane of existence. There is a feeling of indecisiveness and not knowing what to do next. You will feel as if you are in unfamiliar territory.
This month is not about being a master over others, but in mastering yourself. Self-control is a key that must be experienced, honed, and used to become fluid and effective.
It is about sharing what you have in this moment, freely and without judgment. Sometimes that sharing shows up as your wisdom. Sometimes it is about sharing resources. We are in a time when you begin to recognize that you cannot teach another what is “truth”. Truth is a transmission that is beyond the great books of religions and beyond words. It is an energy. What leads you to truth is a deep longing to be that hidden possibility that is within each of us.
This is a time when you begin to see that some rules of morality are rigid tools that the mind and ego uses to narrow and confine the soul. You see that those who hold rigid rules of good and bad, sinful and virtuous, acceptable and unacceptable, moral and immoral are judgments of the mind and not the highest expressions of the soul. When you judge you keep yourself from experiencing the magic in this moment. You miss the beauty that surrounds you. Morality needs to be viewed as a cage of conditioning, not truth.
Morality without awareness is garbage.
Morality does not authentically come from the rules and viewpoints of others. When you are aware, you will simply be unable to do things that cause harm to others.
The Moose reminds us that ego ruins accomplishment. It is the reminder that everyone has a potential within their soul. When you appreciate your own gifts as greater than another, you fail. Those that truly know themselves have the capacity to be in silence. They also know when it is proper to speak and when it is more proper to listen, watch and wait.
Antelope reminds you that you will have to take action and move forward regardless of what the rest of the world is doing. Antelope points out that some are taking more than their fair share. Such actions destabilize societies. That makes people angry, reactive, and indecisive. If you are afraid, you are just not moving. Action will often alleviate the stress and anxiety you might be feeling. Make a decision that you need to make and begin that action to move you in that direction. That will help you unify and align with what is really important to you.