Numerology/Astrology for 9/7/2022
9/7/2022 is the number 22.
9 + 7 + 2 + 0 + 2 + 2 = 22.
Then we can add the 2 + 2 to get the number 4.
The Number 4 shows us that balance is possible if we just stop trying to make things happen that our ego wants but that (perhaps) are not in alignment with who we are to become.
When we allow what will be to be and see the magic in these moments of change, we find peace and contentment in each possible shift.
Too often we try to force the universe to do what we want. That is when the universe will tend to laugh rather than allow us to believe in our omnipotence.
I find the universal plan is always a better option in the long run.
~Suzanne Wagner~
Astrology for Today
The Moon in Aquarius will trine to both Mercury and Mars. This give a lively exchange on many levels but will stimulate the spirit and expand the possibilities as energy is brought into places that have been blocked or impinged.
The North Node and the Sun in Virgo will give you just the right amount of inspiration to deal with whatever is next on your list of goals. Many things seem to be improving and that is just perfect to help you feel more alive and on a course that will further growth and confidence.
Chiron and the Sun will quincunx and that may take a bit of wind out of your sails, but doubt can guide us towards greater awareness as we face new and interesting situations. Such things are designed to test to see where our vulnerabilities are. And that is not a bad thing. Notice the wobble and let the questions arise to show what is the next hurdle that is about to present.
~Suzanne Wagner~