March 30, 2017

Numerology/Astrology for 3/31/17 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: March 30, 2017Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 3/31/17

3/31/17 is the number 8. Between the astrology and the numerology this week there is a reckoning happening. The square that happens on March 30, sets the stage for the week to come because the two power house planets squared on that day and I expect all of us will feel it for a while after. Jupiter is Zeus raining down thunderbolts and showing that there are consequences to all actions. Pluto is like a small, compact intense atom bomb going off. Metaphorically, of course. These planets made the judgement calls as to how your words and actions merit good or bad in the afterlife. There is often a moment when you have to look at all the choices in your life and see them as a continuation of the wounding and suffering you are in because of denial or avoidance and simply own the choices and the lessons that those consequences have projected onto your life and how those choices have positively or negatively impacted others. There is sadness when you see the impact that selfishness and ego have on others and how you actually harm by not feeling beyond yourself. But that is how we learn.
The Moon continues its transit of practical Taurus today until 12:42 PM EDT, after which it moves into inquisitive Gemini. Mercury enters Taurus today and will transit Taurus until April 20th, returning again to Taurus from May 16-June 6 after a retrograde retreat into Aries. With Mercury in Taurus, your thinking is down to earth, stable, and grounded. Common sense finally reigns over distortion and illusion (at least for a moment). Communication becomes more deliberate under this influence, and your mind is oriented to the world of the five senses. You prefer tried and true to new ways of thinking and communicating. Attention to one thing at a time can simplify your life, but you should watch for narrow, overly conservative, or rigid thinking. You are moving towards a Venus-Mars semi-square, exact very early tomorrow, and there can be tensions in your relationships and old internal conflicts can surface, as it may be difficult to harmonizing your needs or sensibilities with your desires.

~Suzanne Wagner~



Freeing herself of the dust
of her past was exhausting.
Who knew dust
could be so heavy?
Who knew the fresh air
would be so exhilarating?

~ Terri St. Cloud. Dust~


Spring has sprung. I woke up yesterday and went to get in my car and the windshield was covered in pollen. A sure sign that the trees are warming up and getting ready for the next season. So, what in life do you fight for? What do you feel inspired to connect to or help with. You are so abundant right now. Yet, how do you share that abundance with others and the world. Helping those less fortunate than you, is one way to add goodness and to alleviate suffering in the world. It is the small things that make a difference. Feeding the stray cat in the neighborhood. Helping a neighbor that cannot do some things around their house anymore because they are older and in pain. Bringing food over to someone who does not seem to have much company and is lonely. It is a compassionate heart that reaches out of their own self-interest and looks outside to see what is needed and then takes action to help, that creates positive energy that goes out into the world. What can you do today that might give hope to another or minimize the suffering a bit? Take a stand. Take a risk. Reach out. And find out that when you give you support an energy shift in your own life.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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