September 6, 2016

Numerology/Astrology for 9/7/16 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: September 6, 2016Categories: Astrology/Numerology


Numerology/Astrology for 9/7/16

9/7/16 is the number 7. Fortunately today the astrology and the numerology calls for looking at systems and patterns that can help bring about a structure that will help you build towards a better, more realistic, grounded, and supportive future. There has been so much distortion for so long that the truth and the reality has been buried under a mountain of suppressed wounding and reactiveness that has been spewing forth like an erupting volcano for months. In this moment, there is an attempt to shift into a better place of clarity where you begin to recognize where your reactiveness has been being fed by your ego and the reality you have been creating is only causing you and others more pain. It is time to shift into another pattern and recognize that you may not get what your ego wants but you have to make a choice for your own peace of mind and happiness. It does not matter what others think or believe. It only matters that you find peace within and come to a place of acceptance. Learning to forgive and let go is hard when you want to make a point. But there will always be those who see the world differently than you. Learning to be at one with all beliefs and perspectives is what makes the world grow. The Moon is in Scorpio much of the day until 9:21 PM EDT, when it enters Sagittarius. A sextile between Venus and Saturn this morning can act to stabilize affections or bring them into a more mature and realistic place. You can make a bit of headway by paying attention to tradition and approaching matters with structure and a bit of planning. Small advances can be made in business and partnerships. You are more responsible with your feelings and that alone becomes more helpful for others. A quincunx between Venus and Neptune, however, suggests some struggle between wanting to see things realistically and preferring to look the other way or nurture an old fantasy. There can be some insecurity or doubts about others or your own feelings and perceptions under this influence. The Moon’s entry into Sagittarius at 9:21 PM can pull you out of your shell and inspire new visions of the future. Just be aware that this pattern can also make you feel a little restless.
~Suzanne Wagner~


Each person we let touch our heart changes us.
Even those who hurt us in small ways modify
how we relate in the world.
Those we allow to love us, open us
and make that inner light more available to others.
The love we carry inside
gives our energy excitement
and magnetically attracts people
who are seeking that particular energy
and light to their being.
Those that hurt us
have the ability
to shut that light and love down
if you let it.
But it can also open us up even wider
to a place where we have to confront
a powerful moment and a choice.
A choice to allow another’s fear
to become a part of us
and then shadow our light
or a choice to allow the love inside us
to break us out of the fixated patterns
of fear that run this planet
and become even brighter.
In each moment, you make a choice
to allow fear to run your life
or to let love break you open
into a place of vulnerable compassion.
Make love the choice.
Let love overwhelm the fear.
Let the light heal those shadows.
Let your love be so bright
that you show the way
for those in fear to find peace.
~Suzanne Wagner~


May your heart find peace. May those suffering find the pathway to a joyous life.
Have the power inside to step out of illusion into reality.
Have the power to mold the reality into something that serves all of humanity.
Inspire those with your courage and personal journey.
Inspire others to discover their own hidden abilities.
Break down the walls of the mind the create separation and judgment.
Break down the barriers to love that block the flow of your heart to others.
Discover the potential in another.
Discover the power of your inspiration.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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