December 22, 2023


About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: December 22, 2023Categories: Astrology/Numerology, Intuitive Patterns Monthly


Aleister Crowley Tarot: Chariot, Virtue, Defeat
Words of Truth: Spirit, Boundaries, Oppression, Alignment
Mayan Oracle: Caban, Ben, Realm Shift
Medicine Cards: Fox
Ancient Egyptian Tarot: Tower, Three of Wands, Ten of Wands
Osho Zen Tarot: Trust, Laziness, Guilt
Healing Earth Tarot: Man of Feathers, Six of Wands, Four of Shields

January is a month filled with the powerful potential of change. That is clear from the astrology, but it is even more clear when we add in the Tarot Forecast this month.
I first want to start with the overlap of the Three of Wands in two decks. This is a very auspicious sign and we all could use such special moments to lift our spirits up.
The number three in the Tarot is a number where duality moves into objectivity. Instead of either/or we have the patterns where we can suddenly see from a fresh vantage point that is inclusive rather than exclusive. That aligns with the intention of Pluto going into Aquarius and the perceptual shift into unity and coming together.
Many things this month seem to be calling to us and asking us to come together.
The Fox card keeps watch on us from the shadows of the trees. Reminding us to be aware, but to not drop our guard. It also shows us that many things are hidden but if one is still, they will be suddenly seen.
Caban in the Mayan deck is there to look to the larger patterns that are coming into form. He reminds us to not focus on the past or the future but remain open to the present moment and the signs and messages that are trying to get our attention. Notice this month, if you are getting lost in the mind or if you are coloring or bending information to fit into your old boxes.
We are asked this month to recognize that we are here to be in relationship with all living things. We are a part of an ancient sacrament that becomes a living dream if we will learn to listen and be fully here now.
We are a paintbrush that is forever in motion.
Life is the canvas upon which we paint this experience. Our breath is a curvaceous rainbow connecting the past and the future.
And with each beat of our heart, we can release struggle, and allow the sounds of our life become an exquisite manifestation of our infinite self.
The card Ben shows up in this spread to point out that how we perceive and relate to the world is changing. We are all at a point of expansion. We are fully living on the grow edge of our old reality.
There is powerful magic this month, but the greatest growth will come from the expansion of compassion.
The evolution being asked of us is to remember that together we can fly.
This month, we are to realize that we do not have the energy required to accomplish these goals by ourselves. But when we decide to embrace love with unconditional strength and courage, then we can and will create something very different.
January shifts the mental and emotional focus out of such darkness and allows us to feel brave enough to begin reaching for the light. I believe this is a very good start to a year that will change the course of humanity for the better. While we have a long way to go, this month signals something else is arising and just in the nick of time.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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