February 8, 2024

Astrology for 2/9/2024

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 8, 2024Categories: Astrology Daily

Astrology for 2/9/2024

This is an exciting day after the sort of downer day yesterday. There is a New Moon in Aquarius, and it can feel highly energizing and motivating for the things that need doing. It injects a dose of happiness into those things that we are attempting to try. We are being given a chance to change because the blinders have come off our eyes and we are looking at finding ways to be more social and to get out and acquire new ideas.
With all this Aquarian energy happening, our objectivity can allow us to see more … with less effort. While Aquarius is a detached sign, I worry that there are those that will feel as if they have nothing to lose and so they will make a terrible choice to rebel and lash out without any regard for the consequences. But the spotlight is glaring right now to illuminate those things that have been hiding in the shadows. And while Aquarius can be quite friendly, this type of lunation and the additional aspects can make the determination of some become abrupt and dangerous. It can make impulsive choices come from some stubborn and narrow viewpoints.
Today, make sure that one uses this energy properly and with great integrity. Harm no one and remember that karma is always watching.

~Suzanne Wagner~

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