February 13, 2015

Numerology/Astrology 2/14/15 – Plus Personal Blog

About the Author: Suzanne Wagner
By Published On: February 13, 2015Categories: Astrology/Numerology



Numerology/Astrology for 2/14/15

Today is the number 6. The number 6 is associated with the spiritual arts which inspire and uplift humanity. What allows you to open your heart and feel the selfless devotion of your charitable, unconditionally loving self? Music is one of my favorites. Music lifts my spirit and reminds me that each of us makes a sound as we move through time and space. Our vibration and harmony is attracted to similar sounds because those sounds awaken our soul memory to our energetic flow. Today look at the music that supports your soul and really bring that quality into your life and day. Even more important as it is Valentines Day, create a mood or ambiance of the music you love and the music your mate loves and create a playlist that is romantic, heartfelt, full of words of appreciation, and music that allows your loving heart to be expressed to your mate. You can say so much with music. Let your heart sing long and loud. Let your heart show its vulnerable expression and show appreciation for those that have walked with you along this rocky path of love. Love is a testing ground but today is a day to celebrate the victories and who true appreciation to those who have touched your heart. The Moon continues its transit of outgoing Sagittarius until 5:26 PM EST, when it enters responsible, sensual Capricorn. The Moon’s square to Mars this morning can stimulate the restless nature of the Sagittarius Moon, as you may find that your emotional need for action and adventure is in conflict with the Mars in Pisces drive to let things unfold. Creative Mercury-Uranus and Venus-Jupiter aspects stimulate new, progressive thinking with good will and generosity.
~Suzanne Wagner~



If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you have succeeded.

~Maya Angelou~


It’s Valentines Day and so this is one of those moments that we celebrate love. Notice what it is that your mate enjoys and what opens his or her heart. Then find funny, heartfelt ways to give that to them. Remember it is not what you want and need but what opens the other. Everyone has his or her own expression and flavor of love. Feel into the unique heart of your mate and find the way to make them smile and their heart want to leap out of their chest. Everyone wants to feel appreciated. Everyone loves it when someone shows their vulnerability and authentic heart. Make this a special day that they can remember forever. But also, take this moment to close your eyes and remember all those who have tried to love you and the many people in your life that give you love and express that love in wonderful ways. Then send them a pink light of appreciation and love. When I look back in my life I recognize that all the people who have loved me have been essential to my growth, expansion, and the opening of my heart. Without my heart being broken open again and again, I would not be the person I am today. Without stretching out of my narrow world and being inspired to feel into my lover’s world I would not be as open or flexible as I am now. Appreciate all those who have contributed to who you have become. Realize that even those that have left your life have also left an imprint on your heart forever.
~Suzanne Wagner~

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